2016 Combined


ECCC's Brenda Carson receives

ment, service and involve ment in the statewide profes sional organization fol' financial ald administrators. Carson of Decatur said she was shocked to receive the mvard at the president's ban quet during the 49th MAS F AAAnnual Conference. "I was both shocked and honored," said Carson, who joined the ECCC staff in 1982 as its first financial aid diroo tor. "The recipient of the award is confidential until the awards ceremony; therefore, when l realized I was being introduced as the recipient, I was overcome with emotions. This is the hlghest honor I have ever receiYed." tive committee chair and a trainer and instructor for MASFAA, among other roles. She was pl'esident of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Student Aid Administrators Association during 2015-16. A native of Neshoba County, Carson is a graduate of ECCC, holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Delta State University, and is a member of the Xi Chaptel' of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, an orgnniza tion for key women educa tors. MASFAA was established in 1967 to p1·ovide a commu nity for financial aid achniru~

Carson said that knowing Jack Woodward personally made receiving' the award named in hls honor that much more special. "Jack Wood'.:° ward was a founding member of MASF AA, and his legacy in financial aid made receiving this award mean even more to me. MASF AA has provided me opportunities personally and professionally for growth in many areas."

By ECCC Media Relations

Brenda Carson, director of financial aid for East Central Community College in De catur, recently received the Jack Woodward Award of Ex cellence from the Mississippi Association of Student Finan cial Aid Administrators at the organization's annual confer ence held at the Pearl River Resort in Choctaw. The Woodward Award of Excellence is the highest honor presented annually by the :MA.SFAA It is presented to an individual who best ex cmpillies leadership, knowl edge, expertise, cooperation, professionalism. commit

In addition to receMng the Woodward Award of Excel lence, Carson had the addi tional honor of being elected as director of the executive board of :MA.SF AA for a three year term, which began July 1. Carson also has served as statewide financial aid award

trators to exchang\? ideas and professional expertise to ef fectively and ethically pro mote access to higher education. MASB'AA pro\>ides training opportunities for its members, allows indi,iduals to network and create profes sional relationships, and en hances public awareness of student Iinancinl aid assis tance. Members of MASFAA are from colleges, universi ties, lending institutions, gov ernment agencies, foundations and others asso ciated with priw.tte and com munity organizations concerned with thC' support and administration of student fmancial aid programs.

EC financial aid director Brenda Carson was re cently honored with the Jack Wood Award. ECCC Photo vendor-sponsor chair, legisla





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