2016 Combined
Weekof m01 Carly Dickerson of.. Louisville, J. Wallace Bedwell Business Award; Lindsey Ayllon of Newton, Frank M. Cross Freshman Chemistry Award; Gage Leifried of Meridian, J. Andy Miller Freshman Engineering Award; Lauren Copeland of Walnut Grove, 0.L. Newell Drafting Award; Alisha Tamara Savell of Philadelphia, Charles E. Pennington Business Technology Award; Anastasia Crout of Lake, Robert G. Fick Memorial Scholarship; Lillian Shuler of Carthage, Ruth Hull Memorial Wo-He-Lo Award; Matt Mitchell of Lake, Jamie Clark Memorial Baseball Award; Makenzie Byrd of Sebastopol, Leon Eubanks Kaljyc-Peers Leadership Award; Pashien Kelley Johnson of Diamondhead, L.B. Simmons History Award; Amanda Creekmore of Newton, Thomas W. Thrash Memorial Scholarship; and Khalil Triplett of Philadelphia, General William Patrick Wilson Academic Scholarship.
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Madelon Taylor of Louisville, all rec1p1 ents of Phi Beta Lambda Hall of Fame; Chaney Mills of Hickory, Alyne Simmons Recruitment Grant; Madelon Taylor of Louisville and Hannah May of Little Rock, co-recipi ents of "The Tom Tom" Award; and Katie McCool of Louisville, Lucille Wood Scholarship. Alumni Memorial Awards were present ed to Michael Wh11lock of Philadelphia, Billy Wayne Baucum Secondary Education Award; John Creekmore of Noxapater, W.A. Coursey, Jr. Engineering Award; Kellen Clark of Chunky, Danny Ray Killens Engineering Award; Scott Main of Meridian, Ruth Carr Vincent Academic Award for Excellence in Non-Traditional Education; Jacob McNeil of Louin, Alatha Chaney English Award; Paxton Holmes of Morton, Sara Carr Deaton Business Technology Award; Sarah Laird of Meridian, Sue Yarbrough Fulgham
Speech Award: Kellen Clark of Chunky Arno Vincent Award for Academic Excellence in Athletics; Corey Hilliard of Ocean Springs, William S. Giffin Men's Intramural Award; Johnta' Hughes of Hattiesburg, Earline Wood Memorial Award for Women's Basketball; Blaze Gibbs of Brandon, Homer F. Hunter Athletic Managers Award; Jesse Hosket of French Camp, Andrew F. Webb Football Award; Ravion Henry of Carthage, Howard Sessums Men's Basketball Award; Ben Pace of Philadelphia, Jack B. Mayo Phi Theta Kappa Award; and Samm Thompson of Decatur, Dr. Edwin Miller Medical Services Award. Faculty Memorial Awards were present ed to Katie McCool of Louisville, Aaron R. Davis Memorial Scholarship; Weiying Wang of Noxapater, Frank Edwin & Nena Holt Leatherwood Biology Science Award; Katie McCool of Louisville, Dr. Shelby L. Harris ' f··morial Scholarship;
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