2016 Combined
WEEK-OF . 5- \ -l,l 0
ECCC annual award
win~ers recognized
Recipients of Hall of Fame and other hon ors were recognized during the annual Awards Day program held April 28, 2016, at East Central Community College in Decatur. Career award recipi ents include Josh Crutcher of Sebastopol, residen tial carpentry; Christina McKinnion of Noxapater, cosme tology and Career Student of the Year; and Tristan Clay Willis and Tina Vaughn, both recipi ents of the Welding & Cutting "Taylor Cup." Technical awards were presented to Jordon Prisock of Louisville, collision repair technology; Jacob Robinson of Meridian, automotive technology; Malinda Harris of Newton and Sharon Bout of
management technol ogy Bay ~ hit<. of Sturgis and Samuel Kelly of Union, manu facturing and machin ing technology; Caleb Terry of Newton, net work support technol ogy; and Laren Copeland of Walnut Grove, Technical Student of the Year. Recipients of health care education awards include Kelsey Porter of Morton, associate degree nursing Outstanding Achievement; Shantel Body of Newton, prac tical nursing; and Michael Eichelberger of Conehatta, para medic technology. Those receiving spe cial awards were Ben Pace of Philadelphia, Citizenship Award and Dr. Margaret Mosal for Leadership Scholarship; Kaitlyn Ware of Lake, Ann Burkes Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship; Aaron Scoggin of La"'1rence, Alford J. Deaton Physics Award; Louise Berryhill of Union, Richard Fisher
Award; Anna Claire Housley of Morton, Astronomy Club Award; Randy Phillips of Jackson, Anthony Coleman Men's Basketball Award; Kellen Clark of Chunky and Brittany Rasco of Pascagoula, co-recipients, Roy Pete Award for Soccer; Sarah Laird of Meridian, ECCC Concert Choir Award;, Kirk Griffin of Union, EC Encore Players Award; Chris Kelley of Newton, ECCC Gospel Choir Award; Charlie Wilcher of Carthage, S. Lebrun Hutchinson . Engineering Scholarship; Blake Fortenberry of Forest, Freshman Mathematics Award; Megan Parrish of Pascagoula, Soph omore Mathematics Award; Bruce Hedrick of Newton, Secondary Education Award; Emily Beckham of Philadelphia, Myrtle R. Hutchison Elementary Education Award; Memry
Decatur, co-recipients of early childhood edu cation technology; Alan Graham of Forest, electrical tech APPEA nology; Jay Riser of of NEWT( Louisville, culinary arts technology; Karen SPIRIT Cleveland of Decatu hotel and restaurant MERIDh,. v 1 rtn Forest, heating and air conditioning tech CARTH nology; Boydstun
Thompson of Morton, Mississippi Business Educators Association OCDA'T Award; Ben Pace, Caleb Brown, Cris~n , TIMES Bryan and Katie
Tamara Organic Chemistry Award; Erica Myers of Philadelphia and John Thames of Decatur, co-recipients, East C e ntr:il environmental Club ---------
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