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The report showed that communitycol– Ieg-e transfer students performedacadem– ically as well or better in university cotu·ses than students who began their education at the senior institutions. The "native" students earned a 3.09 GPA East Central also led the nation in the number of community/junior colleg-e stu– dent-athletes receiving academic honors for last season, according to the National Junior College AthleticAssociation. ECCC academicorganizations also rep– resentedEast Central Community College on the state and national level. Members of ECCC's Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa received numerous awards during annual competition, in– cludingbeingnamed a Five Star Chapter, and Jacob Oliver of Little Rock was named to the prestigious Order of the Golden Key. Vrrginia Easley of Philadelphia was elected state secretary of Phi Beta

Carthaginian ___ ____

Clarion-Ledger ______

Meridian Star --------

Neshoba Democrat -----

Newton Appeal _ _____

- CommunityPartnerships - Community Partnerships are also vital to the college as East Central strives to be engaged with business, industry, educa– tion, government and community groups to enrich the learning experiences of stu– dents and the community. Legendary football coach Herman Boone, the in piration behind the 2000 blockbuster movie "Remember the Ti– tans," and Astronaut Fred Haise, who served as the lunar module pilot during the ill-fated Apollo 13 space mission in 1970 and is portrayed by Bill Paxton in the blockbuster film "Apollo 13," were among national speakers who took part in the college's "An EveningWith" series. East Central also served as a host site for the Medgar Evers exhibit, "This is Home," which detailed the life of one of Mississippi's most prominent civil rights activists, Medgar·WileyEvers. Students and stafi got into the Christ– mas spirit byhostingthe inaugural "War– rior Wonderland" following the Decatur Christmas parade. The special celebra– tion of Christmas included performances by theWallO' SoundBand. A<>'tv>... ~- - •

year institutions. In the overall summary measurement of student success, ECCC exceeded the state avel'age. In work.force training activities, the data rev~ ECCC as a leader in the num– ber of individuals served and industrycre– dentials awru·ded. Jn addition, ECCC continues to display a commitment to outreach and excellence in the awarding of GED diplomas, again ranking in the upper half of the state. ECCC also announced a new partner– ship in Culinary Arts with Mississippi University for Women this past year, makinga "seamless" transition available for students continuing their studies to– ward a bachelor's degree on the Colum- bus campus. · For the third consecutive year, East Central has been designated as aMilitary Friendly School by Victory Media, the leader in successfully connecting the mil– itaryand civilian worlds. The college also instituted a new Cul– tural Arts Series, whicb.iwill bring per– forming artists and visual artists to the campus throughout the year for both EC students and the community.

Lambda, an organization for business students, during the annual convention. Jn addition, for the first time ever, all 13 of the college's participants from Theta Chi Chapter placed first at the state con– ference and advanced to national com~ tition. Theta Chi was one of only two chapters in the state to r ceive recognition as a Gold Seal Chapter and Yashica Ickom was selected for Who's Who in PBL. Stewart said these academic honors re– flect the type ofsucce s the college strives to achieve each year. Tuachfngand I..arnJng The college also excelled in the areas of Teaching and Learning, including high marks in its annual 'Report Carel' Jn the latest CommunityCollegeReport Card, ECCC ranked above the state aver– ag-es in numerous categories. Jn the cru– cial category of Student Success, ECCC excelled in the area of overall graduation percentages, particularly amongpre-bac– calaureate and technical students. Also evident is ECCC's top tier performance in preparing students to transfer to four-

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