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Roa _________ ap for.the fut First year of2020 Vision proves successful at Ei
ccordingto BillyW. Stewart, presi– ent of East Central Community ollege in Decatur, the initial year of the college's 2020 Vision is provingsuc– cessful as the institution continues its de– sire to be nationally recognized and locally preferred while meeting the edu– cational and training needs of the resi– dents of the college district, which includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Wmston counties. This "roadmap for the future," as Stew– art calls it, focuses on five Institutional Commitments: StudentSuccess; Teaching & Learning; Resource Planning and De– velopment; CommunityPartnerships; and Communication. "As we recently completed our 86th year of operation, we reflect on the suc– cesses of the past year, but also look for– ward with anticipation to another year of excellence," Stewart said. "We are ex– cited about the potential progress we will make in each of the commitments identi– fied in our 2020 Vision. "One thing is for sure,we will maintain a long-standing tradition here at East Central offering quality educational op– portunities to our communities the 'EC Way- Excellence with Class."' StudentSuccess In the area of Student Success, East Central students have once again been recognized for academic success, accord– ing to a recent report from Mississippi's Institutions ofHigher Learning. Results from the lHL report revealed that tr ansfer students from ECCC achieved a 3.22 grade point average, which represents the highest cumulative grade point average of all communitycol– lege tran°!£rs at the state's eight public, four-yea1" IIl&Uh!tions.
Lauren Peterson of Forest works on an experiment in the newly renovated Cross Hall chemistt pus of East Central Community College.
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