choir, Collegians rock band, Concert Choir and other local entertainers; free photos with Santa; bounce houses and carnival rides; food and drink vendors; a ha~ide; live Nativity scene;Christmas village display; andvarious specialty booths set up by campus clubs and organizations. "This event allows ow· students opportunities tointeract with members of the com– munity and their families who support our college," Stewart said. Resource Planningand Development East Central has also made a commitment to Resource Planning and Development and to invest and allocate resources in such a way that benefits students, employees and the college's district. Working with numerous alumni, individuals, businesses and industries, the ECCC Foundation awarded scholarships valued at more than $94,000 to approximately 126 students during the annual Scholarship Appreciation Program. TheECCC Alumni Association also netted $9,850 for student scholarships duringthe 13th annual Warrior Golf Classic. Golfers representing SouthGroup Cox in Carthage claimed the championship trophy. Improvementwadditionswere also made to the college's physical plant. A1ibbon-cuttingceremony was held earlier in the year for the newly renovated Frank M. Cross Hall,which continues to house science classes and a chemistry lab. The ap– proximately $3. 7million projectwas fundedwith slate bond funds appropriated by the Mississippi Legislature and construction was supervised by the Bureau of Buildings, Grounds and Real PropertyManagement. Thecollegealso unveiled its new synthetic turffootball fieldduring the annual "Meet the Warriors" Pep Rally last fall and hosted Super Bowl winning coach and author Tony Dungy during a fundraiser for a new football operations center. Communication Finally, East Central has instituted comprehensive Communication strategies and policies to advance visibility of the college and to engage and involve stakeholders. The college offered for the first time a "One-Stop Shop," making it easier than ever for students to plan their next semester on the Decatw· campus. Representatives from admissions, financial aid and business offices and the coun- / selingstaff set up in MabryMemorial Cafeteriawhere they metwith students toensure they are clear to advance regis~r for the next semester and to provide advisement on --- ----1--- courses if the students need assistance. Stewart said, "I appreciate the extra effort of all ofour staff in making student serv- --- ices, advising, financial aid and the business office easily accessible for our students. I
also look forward to enhancingand increasing these types of services to our students.
------- After all, their achievement is the focus of our work at East Central."
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