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ECCC l~rom 20
(5-ll , 220), AU-8ltdc1, \ II J)lt;trict and defensiveend K U Munroe (6- 1, 260), AIJ-Oivildcm, huUt of Neshoba Cent.rn.l, lltii'INleker Maithew Moore (G I ,:~'). fMen– s ive lineman/lim•hllf:l(t·r l>aryl Rogers (6-3, 21f,) mul il.-fc·nsive linema.n/linebackc•r .Jm,hua Brown (6', 232), mu· .t \'h!nuhlt• de– fensive lineman, uJI ull .t~ tn-1, line– backer Tyler Annld: ul (r. ,JJ , 210), AU-Region, CW(leluul(i hne– backer/salety )!;lunh Wlllhuns (6- 3, 202), All-M(•lm mulll~•~~• · ,,,urd Xavier Wood!lrd (fi, ':}:\4}) h•\lh of Jim Hill; dcfent;IVC' lttd·!lil .lc•rc•my Lindsey (6-l, 2-1!1), Alhl),.,.ir-;loo, Hamilton; d<'f('llHh•) llnc•man Chris Yarbrough (~i~l. Ct~l), two– time All-Djstricl, Flmtuu•·. llc•fc•n– sive tackle IWmnt'lu I nhh (6', 260), Ocean Sprhtl(n, 111111 Uno– backer Lucas MorJ!l'" (II :1, :!l8), All-District, honMuhll •n••nhon All-State, Morton. The Warriors bnttl• lunJ.tl•me rival East MissiliHIJIJII ·•I 7 p.m. Thursday, Sepl 5 In :~1« •ulm, and begin home acl1on wilt• Mi\('JC South Division foe.• ( '11pif~h 1.1nooln at 6:30 p .m. ThttrMIIIy f~~·t•t 12 at Bailey Stadium tm til•)' Pt"t:atur campus. z ~ ) () .. , - z 0 - I a 0 ..... (/) w <:> u 0::: ~ 7 0 •l <( :r: 0 • n w ..... ~ a. 0::: a: li a. <( a. w <( 0 z en :::
gion, All-State, MVP, Bl<.-ckJey County, Cochran, GA; defens ive back Sheppard Jones (5-8, 168), Lanier; cornerback Anthony Triplett (5-8, 150), two-time All– State selection. Philadelphia; cor– nerback Chris Thornton (5-7, 160), All-State, most valuable re– t urner and linebacker Kendrick Maxwell (6', 220), Super 22 Offen– sive Lineman and most improved defensive lineman, both of Hous– ton; defensive back/strong safety Grant Landrum (5-11, 190), All– District, All-Conference, Sumrall; free safety Darrion Burnside (6-4, 185), All-State, All-District, Neshoba Central; free safety PhankezianWalker (6-2, 194),All– District and defensive end An– thony McGee (6-2, 240), both of Quitman; cornerback Zachery Bobbitt (5-8, 160), Meridian; line– backer Christian Wraggs (5-11 , 192), defensive player of the year, Super 11, Louisville; linebacker Dewayne Lewis (5-10, 190), All– State, All-Region, Durant; line– backer Quanterris Newby (5-6, 210), All-State, All-District, New Hope; wide receiver/linebacker Chris Washington (6-5, 215), Lake; linebacker Thomas McCool
comb (6-2, 220), Oak Grove; and linebacker/defensive back Zachary Thigpen (5-9, 200), an All-State selection from Laurel. Ji'reshman players, their~ tive honors and high schools in– clude long snapper Trent Haden (5-8, 195), All-District, Sumrall; quarterback Jacori Taylor (6-2, 210), first team All-State, Early County, GA; wide receiver Daniel Gregory (6-1, 190), All-District, New Hope; wide receiver Jimmie Saulsberry (6', 180), Starkville; wide receiver Jimmy Cockrell (5- 10, 170), first team All-State, Columbus; wide receiver/defen– sive back Desmond Grayson (5- 11, 175), Meridian; tight endTyler Pace (6-2, 260), All-State, All-Con– fe rence. All-District, Newton; tight end Brandon Davis (6', 240) and nose guard Demetre McCleon (5- 11, 260), both of Newton County; Lamarcus "Marko" Franks (5-5, 150), All-State and three-time team MVP, Greene County; run– ning back Matthew Hicks (5-11, 206), Ocean Springs; guard Andy Morris (6-1, 260), All-District and District Defensive MVP; Amite School Center; offensive tackle Edward Delee (6-5, 290), All-Dis-
trict, All-Metro and Fab 15, Cen– treville Academy, Clinton, La.; center Quincy Cole (6', 266), All– State, Ackerman; offensive/defen– sive lineman Jonathan Chambers (5-10, 275), second team All-State, offens ive lineman of the year and mos t improved, West Oktibbeha HS, Dallas, Texas; offens ive line– man KarDevin Thomas (5-11, 313), s econd team All-State, Super 24 OLand NEMS All-Star, Calhoun City; offensive lineman Brandon Thomas (6-3, 285), first teamAll Coast, Gulfport; offensive lineman Brody Martin (6-1, 250), All Conference, MAIS All-Star, Marshall Academy, Red Banks, MS; offensive tackle Charles Robinson (6-2, 280), NeshobaCen– tral; defensive backs Blake Gor– don (5-11 , 196), defensive lineman Xavier Tellort (6-1,280) and de– fensive end Ronald Dixon (6-1, 210), all of Northwest Rankin; de– fensive backAnthony Ruffin (5-10, 185), All-State and three-timeAll– District, Kemper County; defen– sive back Blake Bateaste {5-8, 165), D'Iberville; defensive back Jabri Selmon (5-6, 165), Kosciusko; defensive back JaDer– rick Farrow (5-11, 195), Ali-Re-
he earned All-State and All-Metro honors. On the defensive s ide, Karcher con siders cornerback Chris Ap– perwhite as the top returnee. Apperwhite is a 6', 170-pound product of La urel High School, where he received second team All-State and 4A All-District hon– ors. Austin Franklin returns to llan– dlc kicking and punting duties. Franklin averaged 36.4 yards per punl. His longest effort was a 55- yarder against Jones County. I lis best day as a kicker came in a 31-. 0 victory over MS Delta, when he drilled a 32-yard field goal and connected on all four PATs. Franklin is a 6', 180-pound prod– uct of Petal High School,where he was a first team All-Metro sel~ tion on the 6A State Champi– onship squad. Other sophomores and their re– spective high schools include quarterback Donnie Fenmer (6', 207), Harrison Central; tight end and All Arra st'lwtion Layton llol-
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