THE KARCHER FILE New coach a 'perfect fit' for East Central

in Roswell, Ga., where be led the PaJadians to their first-ever winning season and a deep rWl in the Georgia state playoffs. He aJso served as the school's athletic director and taught a nintb~grade Bible class at Fel– lowship Bible Church. In 2008, Karcher was named quarter– backs coach at the University ofToledo. He helped lead the Rockets in an upset win over theMichiganWolverines, although the squad finis hed 3-8. Karcher was hired in January 2009 by head coach Ron English as offensive..coor– dinator and quarterbacks coach at Eastern Michigan University and remainedwith the prog1·am until December 2012. A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Karcher was a highly recruited quarterback at Shaler Area High School where he was selected a Parade All-American in 1980. He continued his athletic carect·at the University ofNotre Dame wbere he was a backup to Blair Kicl. After two years be transferred to Tulane University, where be completed his colle– giate playingcareer. He later continued his career in lh<' Nt~r tional Football League as a mcmbet· of I lw Denver Broncos and play<'d HR n r (' l)hiC'(' ment player wh<'n otlwr NFI. pht)'t'rH wPm on strike. Th<' Brotwos r..tulrwd lrl111 r.,, 11111 rest or Uw yt'

end of the 1996 season. In 1997, Karcher re– joined Galen Hall in the revampedWorld League, this time as offensive co– ordinator and quarter– backs coach of the Rhein Fire, based in Dusseldorf, Germany. He helped lead the Fire

ECCC President BillyStewart called new head football coach KenKarcher a "perfect fit"when introducing him to the college ear– lier tbis year. The newcoach will take the field with the Warriors for the first time Aug. 29 on the Itawamba Community College campus in Fulton. "We were very fortunate to have several outstandingapplicants for this position, and we are pleased that Coach Karcher will be joining the EC family," Stewart said. ''The search committee was very impressed with his playingand coaching experiences, foot– ball knowledge, recruiting ability and most of all, bis character. As we checked refer– ences for Coach Karcher, several things came up over and over again: he is a Chris– tian, a man of deep faith, a famHy manwith great integrity and high character who is also very genuine as well as a consummate professional and classy individual. You will not find someonewho cares more about his players. He is also a very knowledgeable football coach. I will tell you that I judge a coach by the simple fact would I want my child to play for him or her. Well, after sev– eral, lengthy discussions with Ken, I can honestly say that I would want my two sons to play.for a man like Ken Karcher." Karcher,who most recently served as of– fensive coordinator and quarterbacks coa{!h at EasternMichigan University, said he looks forward to the challenge of devel– opinga winning program at East Central. Having coached on both the high school and senior college level, Karcher said he

looks forward to joining the community college ranks. Karcher, 49, served the past four seasons at East– ern Micbigan. a member of theMid-American Con– ference. He is also a former head coach at Liberty University, where he suc– ceeded EC alumnus Sam Rutigliano. Karcher began his coaching career in 1991 at NorthTexas State Uni– versity, where he coached quarterbacks-~and wide receivers. Hewas hired the follow-

to their first winning sea– son in the team's three– year history. Rhein finished in first placewith a 7-3 record but lost to the Barcelona Dragons in W01·ld Bowl IV. Under Karcher's tutelage, quar- tm·backT.J. Rubley earned All-World League honors and was named the league's most valuable offensive player. Karcher's offense led the league in rush– ingyards (1555) andranked second in total offense (3253). The offensive line set a league record by holding opponents to only one sack the entire regular season. Karcher \vas chosen the sixth head foot– ball coach at Liberty University on Febru– ary 18, 2000. lie served six seasons at Liberty, compil– ing an overall21-46 record and 6-8 mark in conference play, including two straight sec– ond-place finishes. Karcher continued his career in 2006 ns offensive coordinator and quarterhaC'ks coach at Fellowship Christian High School


ing season by head Coach Galen Hall as passing game coordinator and quru·ter– backs coach for the OrlandoThunder of the World League ofAmerican Football. After the World League was suspended, Karcher returned to the collegiate ranks as an assistant on Johnny Major's coaching staff at theUniversity of Pittsburgh. During his first season, he served as the Panthers' pass offense coordinator and quarterbacks coach, sharingduties with run offensive co– ordinat.or Charlie Coe. In March 1994,Majors put Karcher in sole charge of the offense, promoting him to of– fensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach. He held that position for the next three years, until Majors' resignation at the


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