Newton County: Harrison Me- - Traci Lewis, Scott Central; moria! - Makenzil' Rowzee, Robert J. Moody, J r. Special Lacye Harrison and Delton Education - Morgan Luke, Hal'l'iRon, all of Newton Newton County; Aaron R. County; \\~Ilks-Palmer Schol- Davis Memorial- Hannah Me-– ars- Brooke Smith ~oxapa- Curdy, Morton; Dr. Shelby L. ter; East Central Scholars Harris Memorial - Jacob (Thomas) Brittany Taylor, Oliver, Newton County; Lake; Arno and Ruth Carr Thomas W. Thrash Memorial Vincent - Charles Thorne, - Aderian Partain, Newton ~ewt.on Count\-; Wallace County; Dr. .Mar&raret Mosal Strickland - Raleigh West, Memorial - Nathan Powell, :-Iewton County: ,James M. Enterprise; Tony Dobbs Me– Vance- Hanna \\~Jlliams, Se- moria! - Emily Price, Se– bastopol; R.O. and Bertha bast.opol; Edwin and Marie Hannal1- Keifer Wolfe, Lake; Lowe - Angela Reeves, De– Bank of Morton- Kara Yates, calur; General William ~lorton; Frank Ed\\in and Patrick Wilson Memorial - Nena Holt Leatherwood - .Felica Robinson, Newton Trevor Ayllon, Newton County; Martha. Kate Tullos County; Coach Ken Pouncey Hummel and Hobert G. Fick ~1emorial- Conor Bell, Leake Memorial - Chandler Smith, Central, Denver Brackeen - Ne\\1on County: Katie Br&'keen, ;\ewton Iris Pellegrene Boggan - County; GlasseR of 11)57-58-59 Hailey Smith, Ncshoba Cen– - Katie Bradley, Newton tral; Landon Bryan Burt Me– County; Rev. John Lambert moria! - Jesse Vaughn, NeiiJ Memorial - Kennedy Ne\\1on County; Harvey and Castlt'bt'fl')', Clarkdal£'; .John- Martha Wheeler Pre-Phar– son-Taylor Memorial -Casey macy/Pre-Med Jordan Cherry, Union; Sue Gunter Walker, Newton County; Memorial - Erik~ Clark, Roscoe C. Pugh Memorial - Neshoba Central; State Farm Paige Wall, Newton County; Insurance Compan) - Gary Richard L. Harris - Nathan Cooksey, Lake; Alwnni Asso- \Villian1s, Union; Johnson ciation Lifetime Membership Family Engineer ing- Bryant ~Aaron Cooper, Morton; Lu- Williams, Newton County; cille Wood- Rayanne Craven F1·ed Preston Dallas and - Nev. ton County Academy; Maudie Threatt Dallas Memo– Myrtle R. Hutchison -Tiffany rial and Opal McMullan Dick– Dorman, Nesboba Central; erson Memorial - Hillary Elva Smith Sigrest Memorial Williams, Neshoba Central; and S. Lebrun Hutchison - Ann II. Burkes PTK- Bryant Sba\\'D Evans, Forest; Williams, Newton County; Frances Bro"\\'D Crenshaw Sylvia Ann Graham Haywood Nuroing - Chelsy Ezell, ~ew- ~1emorial- Brody Richardson, ton County; Class of 1964 - Winston Academy; Stella Savannah. Glover, Newton Weathersby Newsome - Sa– County Academy; Kelley rina Murry, USM; Nancy Humphreys Nursing- Alisha Auline Hiett ADN - Angela Jones. Carthage; Leon Eu- Reeeves, Decatur; and New banks Kaljyc-PeE-rs- Allie Kil- Directions - J('nnifer Collins, lens, Saltillo; Hogue Brantley ..Newton.
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