r WEEK OF - -=-(___ _ _ _ _ _ ECCC presents $71K ~
Newton and Tyler Spence, (Lt'ake County) - Kristen lXewton County: Cox and As- Evans. Leake A('lidemy and sociatcs ImmrancP- Kaitlyn Emily Ooo}( and Raney Mor– Blanton, Leake AcadPmy and gan, both of LeukP Central; Emily Cook Leake Central; Kinoth and Ella !\fae Thorn– BankPlus - Enlilv Bounds, ton/Emerson Elcdric - Katy ~ewlon County Acadt>my and Ezell<', New ton (. ounty .Jef– Aaron Brown, '\ev.1on frey G. and Kathy L. Hilt ~1e County; Sam Hush Ml'morial moria} - Dominick Fields, - Kristy Bradlfy and Dakota Forest; William Wade Lung Wrig1lt both o r\eshoba Cen- Memorial - .JulitUl Fuentes, tral: Anllrew \Vl.lson Lathem- Newton Count:v; ,Jack and Jonathan BI'Own, Leake Cen- .:\tary .Jo White - f\fackenzie tral; ECCC Board ol Trustees Gannon, Newton County; .MS - Alcxand£'1' Bucklew, Win- Association of Supervisors slon Academv; .JC \'\:bite - (&A>tt County)-\\ hitneyGar– Lamen Cant<:y, \Vl•st Laud- rett, Lake; Bailey Easterling, erdalt'; ~1S Association of Su- Srolt Central: and Kimberly pen i ors (Nc\\1on County) Hartbon, forest; Dr. Frank :\'icole Carh•r. Alana Kron and Bobbie McPhail Bowrn - and 'rabiUut LaBue, all of Anna Girling, Leake Centr·al; Newton County: Frunces A.v- 1'. '1'. BePmon- llanielle GJ•c– cock ,Johnson and JoAnn Ay- gol'y, N~wtuu County; Oan cock Thomas Dustie Harrison Memoriill-Stafford Chisolm, Sylva-BayArudemy; GJ'Jffin, Leake CPntral; Hus– :\lS Association or Supcrvi- Sl'l! McCann :\!emorial - .Jen– sors (Neshoba County) - nifer GrO\ f>, East Rankin Hunter Col£>~·. Call'l> .MeCO\m Ae.mlemy; AT&T - Delton and Hannah Pilgrim ;-'all of Harri0flll, Nl'\\1on County; t 'it– Ne!"hoba CPntral: Captain izens Bank of Philadelphia - Charh's E. Ward IJS~/RE'l' La<·ye llarrison, Newton ~femorial - ;\oal1 Corcoran, County: Rcbrina Gail CHbbs '\11nsbm Academy; Dr. Austin Ri~:,Jfly Memorial - Kimb€'rly P. Boggan - ,James Conwli- Harrison, Forest; Emest Ilar– son, ~lorton; Prentice and r1son Boswell MPmorial - Dorothy Copeland - Ashll'Y Byron Hathorn. Louisville; l\1S ('umbt>rland, N(>s}wba Ccn- Automotive Manufacturers tral; BPn ~lyers Mt•morial - Association - Wesley Hines. Elizabeth Curran, Philadel- Lakl• and Cody Smith, Leake phia and Allison ,Johnson, Central; ~t'llie NeiU CJ·o~s Me– Neshoba Central; Pleas Cia~·- morial -.Jonathon Hl•dge, ton and Amanda Brcazeal<• Lake: Hudspeth - Clayborne Blount - Sam Davi~. Leake Holdincss, NanihWaiya: Kyle Acadt'my; Taylor A
County, .Jacob Stovall Memo– rial Myeisha ,Jones, Philadelphia; Jones and Car – ne Willian1son and Bascom and Hattie ChisolmMemorial -Sherry Nash, Leake Central; U.S. Flectrical Motors - Bethany JoneR, Leake Acad– ~my; Dr. Beverly Oliphant– Martin and John E. Martin– Makayla KeUy, Nederland; Weems Family- Rachel Laird - Bome~chool; Taylor Advanced Machin– ing - ,John Lipsey, Nanih \Vaiya, Shirley Renaud Me– morial - .Jcnna Lovorn, Win– ston Academ) , .Jessica Cager Ml'morial - Vktoria Malone, Union; Willis W. "Bubba" Smith \1emorial - Houston :\tartin, Newton County; Polk and ,Jennie Pace - Dylan Mayes, Lake; Clyde B. and Flossie H. Goodson- Walter McCool, Neshoba Central; 'I1wmas Rudolph Mayes ~e morial- Shelby McKl'lvaine, Fnterprise· .Ia:. B. and I< ranee~ Harris Smith - .Justin Moore, Leake Acad– £ my: Dr L. B. and Dixie Ad– kins Joshua Parker, ~k'Comb: Hubert D. Gilmore– Trystan Parker, Newton County; Larry B. Therrell Me– morial - Hannah Peoples, Leake Academy; Mable Moore Carr Educational - Lauren Peterson, Forest; W. R. Cov– ington- HaleyPierce, Noxap– ater; Ruth Round Volunteer– Chelsea Pilgrim, Nt"wton County; Charles and Judy Dowdle '!'homas - Sabrina Prince, Philadelphia, Newton Rotary Club - Abbey Rigdon, Union and John Reis~. New– ton County Academy; Lavern and Elizabeth Vowell Memo– rial- Ephraim Ringo, r'orest; Charles P. and Bonnie Saxon Phillips - Darrin Rolison,
Attending East Central Community CoUege became more affordable for approxi– mately 1:30 student~ who re– ceived scholarships pn•senlcd at thl' ECCC/AT&T Scholarship ApprPcintion Program held earlier this summer on the Decatur cam– pus. Provided by numerous alumni, individuals, busi– Iwsses and industries, the ECCC Foundation seholar– ships are valued at S71 ,340, aceording to Or. Stace~· Hollingsworth, executive di– rector for Foundation and Alumni Helations. "The ECCC Foundt-ttion would like to thank our llonor~ who continut' to sup– pot1 thl' schulm·l'hip pro– gram... <;aid Hollings\\ ortb. "We also encourage otlJCrs to establish scholarships and help meet the financial needs of our future alunmi." ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart provided remarks at the annual en·nt and ex– pressed appreciation to donors for their support and congratulations to sdwlar– ship rcdpients. Dr. Randall E. Lel', \'ic., President for Student Scrv– il't'"• served as master nf cer· (•morues. Schohu·ships prcsenlt'
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