Clayton retiringafter 29 years

also had contE-st winners, sci– ence fair participants and scholarAhip winners. Many we1·e at the top of their classes, some ncar the bottom, but alJ came somewhat closer to that knowledge of how the natural world wo1·ks becauS<' of U1e ex– periences we shared in science classes," Clayton said. Clavton has been named to the MEC STARTeacher Hall of Fame, awarded to those who have been named STAR Teacher for 10 vears. She ·was also named· Outstanding Teacher for the Mississippi A&– sociation of Physics Teachers and Mississippi American Chemical Society Outstanding Teacher. At East Central, she was named an ECCC Lamp– lighter in 2007, which honors outstanding community and junior college instructors, and was selectE:'d HEADWAE (Higher Education Apprecia– tion Day. WorkingToward Ac– ademic Excellence) Instructor of theY car in 2008. Clayton and her husband, Tom, have been married for al– most 39 veru·s and lll'e mem– bers or' Highland Baptist Church. where they both sen·e as Sunday school tearhers. They have tb1·ee grown and married sons. &>an (Erica), Juson (Daniclle) and Adam (Brenda), and sLx grandchil– dren: KaiUyn, Nolan. Madelyn, Liam, Averie and Logan.

From school reports

A 29-vear t'.arecr in educa– tion wtll conw to a dusP for East Central Community Col– legl' chemistry instruclot· Pcgro Clayton when she re– t.i.ws following· tbe ~013 spring· tcnn. "It is hurd to believe how many ~cars ha\ e Jl8S"ed siqce I bc.'gllil1caehmg. Time dot•s'lfly \\1ll'n you arc hming fm1," she said. \\ hen a._<;kcd of hPr ret~ nwnt plans. lla)1on said. ~I pbm to !,Wdcn with my lm"– band, "Pl'lld lime \\ 1th fmnily, read and maybe remember hm\ to sew. and relax~ Without a stack of papers on the table waiting to be gnulcd." \t East Central, Clayton tcad1es gew•ral chemist!)', oJ'– gwtic chcnustry and the lab that gH along With thoSt• COUrst'S. Prior to hl'l' lJOI-lition at till' eollegc, Cla)tnn scncd 20 'cars on the high school level ~here she luught c.hemlstJ·y, adnmet.-d plw~ment chl'mistry and physk' She also scn·cd eight yem·s as an ~tdjunl't in– structor at 1\leridian Commu– nity l'ollegt>. C'laytou said a long-time IO\c for t>dem:e ami a hu~band who ·workE:'d in cdumti1111 made the dl'ci~ion to tl'~ll'h an C"a-;y one. ' SinC\' I was in high school, I

Peggy Cla~1on

hme always £'njoyro science and '.Vas constantly C>.'])laining what I knew to some otlwr stu– dl-'nl," Clayton said. "Years later. when I marrit>d my hus– band those who found Auecess in something as simple as learnmg- to draw a graph or getting· up in class to tell about th '\.lY'Jiment. I've






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