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ECCC retirees honored
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TheseEast Central Community College retirees received special recognition during the College's annual end-of-the-year luncheon recentJy.From left are Wllllam (Billy) Miles of Morton, physics instructor; Frederick Lyons of Decatur, carpentryand cablnetmaldng instructor; Len Bobo of Union, music keyboard instructor; and Peggy Clayton of Merid– ian, chemistry instructor. Miles comple ted 35 total years in education, the last 11 at ECCC. Lyons has been employed at the college since 1988 and spent his entire teachl.ng career at East Central. Bobo began his tenure at the College as concert choir director In 2002, and began his teaching career in 1975. Clayton has been an instructor at the college since 2004 and completed 29 years of service in education.
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