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20Uftnllh: Beat Anzona Westem 55-47 In El Toro Bowl to Wtn NJCAA nat1onal champi– onship Head coech: Buddy Stephens (fifth year, 36-8) L.ee8Ue: MACJC North DIViSIOn

Oct. 6 Holmes Oct. 11 at Northeast Mississippi Oct. 18 Northwest MISSISSippi Oct. 27 at ftawamba 201.1 reeutta Mississippi Gulf Coast 34-30 Hinds 20-17 Northwest Mississippi 45-42 ltawamba 48·7 Coahoma 56-6 Northeast Mississippi 63-35 Pearl River 41-17 Mississippi Delta 54-0 Holmes 56-35 • Hinds 55-24 • Mississippi Gulf Coast 42-17 "Our most importantgame is Pearl River because that's the first

After you \\in the first national championship in school history, what do you do foran encore? That is the question facing East Mississippi CommunityCol– lege after the lions capped the ' program's first unbeaten season by defeating top-ranked Arizona Western 55-47 in the El Toro Bowl Stephens' answer is to not worry about trying to repeaL Rather, he wants E.MCC to worry about one thing- Pearl River on Aug. 30. "It's a tough act to follow, it really is." he said. "And myjob is t~ make sure theplayers under– stand that they can't "'in a nation- to secure the NJCMnational tide. And Uonscoach Buddy

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2003


2012 echedule

Aug. 30 Sept. 6

Pearl River

at East Central Sept. 13at Southwest MISSISSIPPI Sept. 20 M1ssfsstpp1 Delta al title right now. You win it one game and oneweek at a time.

10-year record: 52-.~ •-d-.

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