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ECCC Warriors

Coaches have expectations for success in 2012

By BUBBY JOHNSTON Special to the Tunes

DECATUR -It's no surprase to East Central Community College head footbal I coach Brian Ander– son that his 2012 squad is ranked last in the MACJC Soulh Division pre-season poll. After all, the 2011 War– rior'> finished at the bottom of the pad.. with a 2-7 over– all mark and 1-5 s late in league play. But Anderson, who begins his fourth year lead– ing the Warrior progra.m. aid he has "a lot of expec– tations'' for success in the upcoming season. Those expectations are based on a solid group ofreturnees and a talented freshmen class. A !though the Warriors began pre-season workouts only a few days ago (August 9), Anderson said he can already sense that this team is ready to prove itself a winner on the field. "Everybody is undefeat–

Anderson 2012 campaign, as fou r of the first five contests will be held at Bailey Stadium on the Decatur campus. However, two of the five opponents - f:.ast Missis– sippi and Hinds - are ranked among the top teams in the NJCAA pre– season poU fhe Lions are picked to repeat as national champions and the Eagles are ranked s~th. ·'Facing nationally ranked squads early tn the season is a great motivating factor for our team," sajd Anderson. "We want to beat everyone we play, of course, but being able to knock off the defending national champions and other highly ranked teams wil1 be even more special for our program." Regardmg the MACJC

ed right now and that brings a certain level of excite– ment,'' said Anderson. "We understand why we are ranked to'' in the polls. but our guys are determined to .,roH: othem ise. It's been a tong summer...we've put ir. a :ot of hard work....and the o.ayers have put in a lot APPEARED IN: of hard work while also attending summer classes. We anticipate a great pre– CARTHAGINIA~ season and look forward to the season opener against NEWTON COUN ttawamba on August 30." SPIRIT OF MOR East Central has a favor– able schedule to begin the MERIDIAN STAf..______

predictions, Gulf Coast is expected to wm the South, followed by Hinds, Jones Count). Copiah-Lincoln, ,, Southwest and ECCC East Mississippi is the top pick in the North, followed by Northwe t, Ita\\ amba, Northeast. Holmes, Coa– homa and Delta. Anderson wJII he dependi~g on 22 retum~s :SHOBA DEMOCRAT to prov1de the leadershtp ----r--- needed for a successful :oTT COUNTY TIMES _......;../: ...___-...:...._ campatgn. "The sophomores are NSTON COUNTY JOURNAL -----– battle tested ...they under- --ARION-LEDGER------

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