Warriors, Anderson excited about opportunity
quarterback position and offen– sive limwlay and being able to prolc<.·t lhe football... Anderson said. ~Ve really feel solid about quarterback position. we really fl'cl good about Colton Kane, he's :tl.ransfcr from FloridaAtlantic University. He's got a good ad on his ~houlders and we feel solid about all of our quarterbacks and what they bring to the table.We have three solid youngmen at the quarterback position with grt'"ll lcadt>rghip ability and they all bring somethingto the table. It\ a unique position for us btoc.tusc we haven't had the luxu– ry of having several good quar– terbacks in." ' ll1ose quarLerbacks have a pair of reliable targets in return· See WARRIORS on page 35 --
WARRIORS AT AGLANCE Sept. 20 Southwest Mississippi Sept. 29 Hinds Oct. 6 at Jones County Oct. 13 at MissisSIPPI Delta Oct. 18 Peart R1ver Oct. 27 at MISSISSIPPI Gulf Coast 201.1 r..utts
..By JamieWachter
67 41·28
Copiah--Lincotn Southwest MiSSISSIPPI
201.1 record: 2-7 20:10 finish: Beat Southwest Missis– Sippl41-28 in regu– lar season finale Head coacb: Brian Anderson (third year, 4-14) League: MACJC South Oiv1sion
Wins may haw been hard to come by in rcn·nt seasons for East Central Community College but that ha~ n 't dinunt~ the enthusiasm for Warriors ('Oach Brian Anderson. As the Warriors pn·pare for theAug.:{0opt·ncraJ,!ainst ltawamba CommunityColleg<.\ Anderson ist'XCil<.'d about his team's chances lo snap a 10-year ~kid oflosing season . "Everybody'se..xdted right now," he said. "Ev<·ryhmly's undefeated and upt imbtic about the season and ju. t r.xdtt:d to gel the cason startt>d. ·u l didn't think we could do it •here, heck I would have found something else to do ~mcwhcre
2·7 2·7 2·7 4 5 2·7 2·7 34 4 5 2 7 3-6
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
27-40 19-42 24·17 13-31 19-31 21-37 7-28
Northeast MissiSSIPPI Northwest Misstss1ppi ltawamba Pearl River Hinds MiSSISSIPPi Gulf Coast Jones County
ltawamba East Mississ1pp1 at Copiah-Lincoln
Aug.30 Sept. 6 Sept.13
1J).year record: 26-62
theposition a year aRO for ECCC, Anden;on is ready to sc "what Florida Atlantic transfer Colton Kane can bring to the Warriors. "It all revolves around the
and let them play."
else. And fm excited about the seawn and excited about East Central and excited about our teamand the players that we have. Just ready to get out there I
Part of that excitement come!> froma deeper and improved quarterback position. After injuries and turnovers plagued
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