Wilson chosen ECCC practical nursing instructor Christy Wtlson ofMarion wac; recently selected Practical
Nursing instructor at Ea~t Central Community College in Decatur, announced ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart. Wilson, who began her new duties on Aug. 13 was previously employed at Front Range Community College in Fort Collins, Colo., where she taught associate degree nursing students in various areas including med– ical/surgical, pediatrics and psy– chiatric nursing. She also ~rved as an adviser to nursing students and on the school's Committee on Campus Culture. In ctddition, she has held sev– eral nursing positions at Meridian and Lauderdale County health– related facilities. In all, Wtlson has 24 years of diverse supervisory, nursing and/or clinical experience in vari– ous medical settings including hospitals, clinics, school systems, health departments and detention facilities. A graduate of Southeast Lauderdale High School, Wilson earned an associate's degree in nursing from Meridian Community College in 1988 and received bachelor and master's
Alicia Lundstrom Alicia Lundstrom joins ECCC associate degree nursing faculty Alicia Lundstrom of Morton wa~ recently selected Associate Degree Nursing instructor at East Central Community College in Decatur. Lundstrom, who began her new duties onAug. 10, previous– ly served as a member of the College's Practical Nursing fac– ulty, a position held since 2009. Prior to joining the ECCC staff, Lundstrom was employed at Scott Regional Hospital in /~ vto on where she has held · numerous positions, including director of emergency semces. ,\ ,' assistant director of nursing ser.·– . · ice, and director of patient regis– Lration. She .:ontinues to work part– tme .. t Swn Regional to maill- NE' trun dinical practice. She bas also V
Christy Wilson
degrees in nursing from Regis University in Denver. Colo., in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Wilson raises wirehaired pointing griffons and is founder and director of Dragonfly Dreamer Rescue, a caregiver to numerous rescued pets. She is the mother of four chil– dren, Misty Stokley Diaz, Eli Stokley and Benjamin Stokley, all of Lauderdale County, and Allyssa Stokley Garcia of Fort Collins, Colo. .. . · _ .... ·''
~he completed a master's d~gree m nursing from William Carey University in Hattiesburg m 20ll, where she is currently
enrolled in PhD coUI'Se.\.
She has presented research ubtained from her master's CARTHAGINIAN . wursework at national nursing NEWTON COUNl l.onferl!nces. . Lundstrom, a certified nurse SPIRIT.OF MORT educator, .is a me~r ~f numer- ous nursmg orgaruzauons and _ MERIDIAN STAR rece~tly served as Distri~t ~5 ~c~ pres1dent of the MJSSJSStppt .·· Nur..es' Association. She is married to Jay
X 2_ • held nursing positions at various ----– SCf healthcare facilities. A 1999 graduate of Morton - - - -- Wit High School, Lundstrom ~AL received an a~sociate's degree in --- CLJ nursing from ECCC in 2006 and earned a bachelor's degree in ----– nursing from the University of Sou_thcm Mississippi in 2008.
Lundstrom and they have two children, Cody, etght and Caley, six.
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