Thuridiy, September 27 7 p.m. Pep Rally Frfdey, September 28 4 p.m. Slturct.y, Se~mber Z9
BaneY. Stadium
Mixed & Men'• Tennll Tournament ECCC Te11nisCourts l . . . ...
7 a.m.
~lltratlon for Homecoming .SK Run/Welk North CamP.us Pavilion • Run/Walk Starts 7:30 !l.m. Eddie M. Smith Student Union Memorebllll Room Open Homecoml~ -.glstntlon ~Ins East Mall Patto near Mabry Memorial l!afeteria Alumni BIMball Tournament · Burton Library ·_ • Bookltort Opere ~
., 9 a.m.
.,. C Gl > 1.1.1
10 a.m.
'till ~' lla.m. ill - ::s 1 lp.m.
Clar1c/Gay Ba~ball Complex Alumni LUncheon, · Mabry Memorial Cafeteria Ul' Wantor Kid Zo BaileY, Stadium Rlunlon Groupt Meet Bailey Stadium
-.c ~
Classes of 1957, 1958, & 1959; Class of 1962 Classes of 1979,.;980, 8t 1981; Classes of 198Ll987. & 1918 1981 and 1982 warrior Football Teams~ and l~.l Spring Musical Cast of "The 1940s Radici Hour . · Warrior aub Teilptlng end Annual MMtlne , Bailey Stadium _. · . · · . Awaidlng Of 50th Annlvet'llry Diploma tO O..of 1111 BaileY Staaium , .. Football Glme- ECCC vs;Hinds. Halftime - Recog_nit!9n of Homecoming Honorees; Presentation of QUeen and Court; and 'Performance by the Wall 0 ' Sound Matching· Band
CommunityColl~e HomecomingCourtmembers and their respective high schools include (from left) freshman maids Payton Smith, Scott Central; Jayohnnie. Slaughter and Taylor Gressett, both of Newton County; . Brooke Massey, Winston ·Academy; Queen Erin Thornton, .Newton -County; Maid.of Honor laJoya,Griffin;: Philadelphia; and sophomore maids Hannah·Farmer, Newton County; and lauren Daniels and Jordan Clearman, both of .Neshoba Central.
1:30p.m. 2:30p.m.
East Central-Commtul'ity Colle_ge Box 129 Decatur,"MS 39327....!...1-877~462-3222 'www.e((C.ed.. ~-~~'=----"~--~-
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