Strickland honored as ECCC 'Humbled and honored' is said, "I believe it is due to the how Wallace Strickland of foresight and vision of Mr. Meridian described his feelings Strickland that we have been able after being named 2012 to establish· a modem family "Alumnus of the Year" at East practice clinic with three Central Community College in providers here in Decatur. Tius Decatur. would not have been done with- "East Central Community out his help." College, or East Central Junior Mutziger continued, "I count period of r---– time in medicine, during which a
great deal of techno– logi c al advances have been m ad e . During that time, Rush
College as it was known when I him as afriend as well as business was a student, has a very special associate and boss. We are lucky ·· place in my heart," Strickland at Rush Health Systems to have said. ''The coursework and dedi- him here. I can think of no one cated instructors at ECJC truly else who comes close to fitting prepared me to advance in my the qualifications as East Central education and ultimately my Community College Alumnus of life's work." the Year." That life's work bas been a42- Strickland began his career in year career with Rush Health the accounting department and Systems, Inc. in Meridian. worked his way through the ranks Strickland currently serves as at Rush. It's a career path that he President and Chief Executive said definitely made an impact on Officer for the health system that his leadership. is made up of seven hospitals and "I believe it has given me employs approximately 3500 res- greater opportunities to value and idents of east Mississippi and respect our employees for the west Alabama. In addition, Rush contributions they make We are Medical Group, Medical very fortunate at Rush to have Foundation and Specialty many dedicated employees who Hospital have more than 175 have worked in the organization physicians and mid-level practi- for decades. When you have tioners in nearly 30 locations. worked alongside people for ECCC alumnus Cheryl many years, and worked together Comans, who nominated with them to take care of patients, Strickland for the award wrote, learn new technology and expand '1'hroughout my association with services, you come to value and Mr. Strickland, I have been well respect them in a very special aware of his pride in having way, especially when you see attended East Central and his them persevere through difficult dedication to and support of the times or work through difficult college. His assistance with vari- situations together with them. ous aspects of health-related pro- They become your 'work fami– grams and the provision of a ly."' trainer for all sports programs are Of his leadership st)le. notable. Many professional, civic Strickland said. "I belie\'e in ser- AP PI and community organizations vant leadership,attention to detail have also benefited from Mr. and that the buck stops with me." Strickland's dedication to the bet- Healthcare is an ever-chang- CAR" terment of East Central ing industry and Strickland said Mississippi." he has been fortunate to witness NEW In a letter endorsing his nomi- much change and many SPIR nation, Dr. John Mutziger of the advances. Decatur Family Medical Center, a "My career in healthcare bas MER' division of Rush Health Systems, encompassed a very exciting •..,'""'" " I AI'( ---------
Wallace Strickland
Health Systems has grown and changed tremendously as well." When Strickland began his tenure with Rush, he said there were no fax machines or comput– ers. Rush Hospital and Rush Medical Group, which then con– sisted of nine physicians, were the ~ole basis of the operation. Today, he said computers are used in almost every aspect of the business, including many key aspects of patient care. ''The challenge for us in our industry is to keep the human aspects of all we do in perspective as we make technological advances. While everything sur– rounding us may change as far as technology is concerned, the peo– ple aspect doesn't change. At the heart of every action is a patient who needs our care and behind every piece of technology we operate is a person, our employ– ee, who needs to be focused on the needs of the patient, and appropriately trained to do the JOb." For his success in the health– care indu!.try. Srnckland gives much praise to his Rush prede– cessor. " I have been and continue to be strongly influenced and great– ly blessed by an outstanding gen– tleman who has served as a men– tor and inspiration to me and to many others, Mr. J.C. McElroy, Jr.," Strickland said.
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"Mr. McElroy saw promise in CLARION-LEDGER
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