education ·at an affordable cost adniinistr~tion, faculty and staff, every aspect about the College goes above and beyond to up– hold EC's motto, 'With You in Mind. 1 I have been blessed with so many opportunities become a physical ther– apist. Her parents are Ray and Shelia Reed of Louisville. Rogers said he chose
staffwriter on The Tom– Tom (newspaper) staff. Reed was selected Most Beaut ifUl for 2011 and has served the past two years as a member of the Centralettes, the dance line for the Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band, and was co-cap– tain for 2011-12. She was also named to Who's Who Among Stu– dents in American Jun– ior Colleges. Reed, a 2010 honor graduate of Winston Academy, was also the recipient of numerous scholruihips to attend ECCC. She plans to continue her education at Missis– sippi State University in Starkville or the Uni– versity of Mississippi in Oxford. Her goal is to
EC ''because it was close to home and many of my friends were coming here. All of my family went to EC as well and they enjoyed it and knew it was a good school. I also had heard from other people who attended EC and they enjoyed it, too. I also came here because I wanted to play football." Rogers said he has "enjoyed" his two years at East Central and added: "I've made many new
here, and I'm so thank– ful that I chose to attend such a wonderful school. East Central Commu– nity College is truly like home to me. I only hope that one day I can give back to East Central as much as it has given to me." Reed is a President's List Scholar and a mem– ber of Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor so– ciety for two-year col– leges. She also serves as co-editor of the Wo-He– Lo (yearbook) and is a
ECCC see page 6C
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