friends who I will keep up with the rest of my life. I have gotten to play two more years of football and have also been well prepar ed to continue my education at a university and re– ceive my degree." Rogers was a two– year member of the Warrior foot ball team and received second team MACJC All-State honors. He also served as team captain and earned t he team's aca– demic award.Rogers was selected Mr. ECCC for 2012 He is also a member of Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and pazticipates in several campus activities. He was also selected for Who's Who Among Stu– dents in American Jun– ior Colleges. Rogers is a 2010 honor graduate of Louisville High School and was a recipient of several scholarships to attend Ee. He plans to major in physical educa tion at Mississippi State Uni– versity in Starkville. His parents are Don and Rebecca Rogers of Louisville.
facilities for science stu– dents and was con– structed at a cost of$4.1 million . State bond funds accumulated in recent years provided t he financial resources to complete t he much– anticipated addition to the Decatur campus. A renovation of Cross Hall - where science classes continue to be held - is scheduled to begin t his summer. In addition to provid– ing a quality learning environment for stu– dents, East Central con– tinues to grow in the areas of technology and eLearning. Gone are the days when students have to balance their class schedule with their work schedule. Now stu– dents have the option to take many classes com– pletely online from the comfort of home. During the past nme years, the number of East Central students taJUUlg classes online has increased almost 230 percent, according to Dr. Chris J enkins, Dean of eLearning. Ap– proximately 1, 100 stu– dents are currently enrolled in online
ECCC's record enroll– ment is a further indica– tion of the College's com~tment . to aca– demic excellence offered at an affordable cost. "East Central's contin– ued growth is a reflec– tion of a quality education and excellent employees who work hard at providing qual– ity student services," said Dr. Lee, whose of– fice coordinates the Col– lege's recruiting efforts. "It is amazing that the student body keeps growing despite a down– ward trend at most col– leges!" The College also of– fers the lowest tuition among the state's com– muruty and JUIDOr col– leges, which currently stands at $895 per se– mester. To accommodate 1ts growth, East Central makes every effort to provtde the most up-to– date facilities for stu– dent learning. The most recent addi– tion to the College's campus is the Aaron R. Davis Science Building, which was completed for the 2012 spring term. The two-story structure includes state-of-the lab
courses. allows students to em- "The online program ploy social web-net– allows students to com- ~orking technology to plete t heir class work mterface with instruc- when it is convenient tors, college ~fdministra- making work schedule~ tive offices, campus easier to have and fami- organizations and more. •r East Centra l's com- re~ enng or classes ES online and receiving up- lie.s easier to manage," satd Dr. Jenkins. "This system makes "' · t · £
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