ECCC offers 'local '
From press reports
Not only is shopping at home a great idea, but continuing one's ed– ucation at a local com– munity college also makes good sense! Located in the heart of east central Missis– sippi, East Central Community College in Decatur is the perfect fit for students of all ages
wl:fo want to continue working, Microcom- (Leake, Neshoba, New- their education in the puter, Office Systems, ton, Scott and Winston academic, technical and Healthcare Data, Hotel counties) and a high career areas; improve or Restaurant Manage- percentage of students learn new job skills; or ment, Culinary Arts, from our area schools even receive a high Drafting and Design, attending East Central school equivalency Architectural Engineer- is proof that we serve diploma! ing, Land Surveying, them well." Since its humble be- Electrical, Heating and The College reported · ginning in 1928 when Air Conditioning, Colli- a record 2012 spring en- 18 freshmen comprised sion Repair, Precision rollment, as 2,665 stu– the student body, East Machining and Early dents registered for Central Community Childhood Education. classes. Of the total, ap– Coll~ge_ has ~ffer.ed a . G_are.er programs in- proximately 300 stu– quality education ·at an , elude Cosmetology, Car- dents reside in Winston affordable cost. · , pen,try and .C_ounty. . , . Today, East Central Cabinetmaking · and _Among students at- offers coursework f~r · WeldiDg. ' tending EC from Win- more than 200 acadennc Thousands of area cit- ston County are programs of study and izens are also served sophomores Raychal ~arantees those credits through the College's Reed and ~at~ Rogers, will transfer : to the Workforce Development both of LoUisville . Both state's public four-year Center and Adult Basic students have received colleges _and universi- Education Department numerous honors and ties, acc9r'ding t!} -an ar- . in the areas ofworkforce have participated in ticulation. agre~ment _ ·~raining, adult basic ed- v_arious campus activi– between· the two-year ucatioh and GED prepa- ties. schools and·universities. ration. · Reed, who most re- In addition to provid- To round out a stu- cently was named to the ing claSses on the De- dent's college experi- 2012 All-MississippiAc– catur . campus, . East ence · East · Central ademic Team and was G~D:q~bffer~ 1 c~s~~s at · ·sp 9Jfsqrs 'i O interco'qe-·. selected a 2012 Coca– vanous71oca~o~ m the.· giate · athletic teams, C~la Bronz-e Scholar, five-county district. · various intramural ac- said she chose EC be- In Winston County, tivities and more than cause the school was the cl~sses are ~el~ at the 30 st~dent organiza- "ri~ht fit for me." Wmston!Louisville Ca- tions and clubs for var- There was no ques- reer-Tech Complex and ied interests. tion in making my deci- at Louisville High "ECCC is a quality ac- sion to attend East School ademic transfer institu-· Central Community East Central also pro- tion that attracts College except how soon vides an extensive list of students from through- could I get there! I technical and career out the state to its couldn't imagine choos– programs on the De- unique programs," said ing any other college - catur campus. Dr. Randall E. Lee, Vice upon graduating from Technical programs President for Student high school. East Cen- ~ ~e offered in the foll?w- Services. "~with most t~al is_ absolutely the L_ mg areas: Automotive, of our sister community fight fit for me. From C~mputer Program- colleges, we fully serve the outstanding stud~nt mmg, Computer Net- our five-county district body to the supportive -
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