4 record with a 4.47 ERA. He fanned 47 batters through 56 innings. He was a second team MACJC All-State selection fol– lowing the 2010 season. Mitchell has signed a national letter-of-intent to continue his career at Delta State University. Mann (6-3, 175) went 4-1 on the mound and posted a 6.50 ERA. He fanned 32 batters in 36 innings. Bryan saw limited action in 2010 due to an injury. Considered the squad's top returning relievers are right-ban– ders Cal Cossich and Tyler Dalton, who were both named to the MACJCAll-State Second Team. Cossich (6-1, 180) was a perfect 6-0 in 2010 and registered a 3.41 ERA. He fanned 40 batters in 31.2 innings. Dalton (5-10, 185) went 5-2 with a 4.53 ERA. He struck out 29 in 49.2 innings. Dalton recently signed a national letter-of-intent with Delta State University. Also expected to p{ay major
roles in llw upt•oming campaign include red-shirt fresh man Tyler Neal, a 6-2. 185-pound "Wi::-;llsc> ,·ouliruu!(>w e·ffot tfl tu lw r c:co~niZl:d a::~ otll' 1111111~ lop plti~IOIIIIS Ill lltl' nltliou unci to bt~ a eontcnder for pc•~l :;e:ason Slll'C('SS on a yearly lw11i~. 11 · lkgarding this year's squad, llolliru;ul said: "We have some quality players returning which will provtdc a good nucleus for sut·ccss, but there is a lot of room for newcomers to step in and fill necessary roles that were left vacant from a talented group of sophomoreR." East Central begins the 2011 season by hosting Jefferson Davis Community College of Brewton, Ala., in doubleheader acpon getting under way at 1 p.m. Wednesday. A nine-inning battle will be followed by a seven-inning matchup at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. Top returning starters include first baseman Richie Long and catcher/third baseman Charles Hill, third baseman Vincent Kortbawi, and catcher I outfielder Jeremy May of Uttle Rock. Long, a 6-1, 198-pound first baseman/outfielder, led the Warriors in hitting with a .U9 batting average, 14 home runs and 73 RBis. He also collected 17 doubles and scored 51 runs. Long was named to the All– Region23 and MACJC All-State squads and was selected EC's most valuable offensive player. He also earned NJCAADivi– sion II Player of the Week honors following his perform– posted a .700 batting average with one home run and six RBis. He also scored five runs. Long recently signed a national letter-of-intent to con– tinue his career at the Univer– sity ofWest Florida in Pen– sacola. Hill, a 5-foot-7, 175-pound catcher I second baseman, batted .307 with five home Sec WARRIORS on page 82-- ance during a four-game stretch in March, when he WARRIORS from page Bl runs, 16 doubles and two triples. He also collected 54 RBis and scored 49 runs. He received the squad's most improved player award for the 2010 season. Kortbawi, a 5-11, 175-pound third baseman, posted a .347 bat– ting average and had three home runs, 16 doubles and five triples. He also collected 49 RBis and scored 55 runs. He plans to continue his career. at the University ofAlabama– Huntsville. May, a 5-9, 170-pound utility player, missed the 2010 season due to injury but was an MACJC All-State selection his freshman season in 2009, when he batted .338 and belted two home runs, a triple and three doubles. He was also credited with 31 RBis. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell, Pervis Mann and Bobby Bryan. Mitchell (6-1, 185) posted an 8- fcCCC BASEBALL Warriors • prepartng for another successful • campatgn from school reports DECATUR-Mer winning runner-up honors in the MACJC State BaseballTourna- I rncnl and finishing third in Rrgion 23 competition in 2010, I East Central Community Col– ll•ge's Warriors have their sights set on another suc– l'c•ssful campaign. The 2010 squad finished 39- .:w and was cankc·d as high as ltllhiulhc N.l< AJ\ poll chuuH~ Ihe c ' 1011 But how tl!r• 1Pa111 JH'r– I'Otlll' this season dc 111 nds on how \\c•lllhey come -I c( w D. D. Holliman together as a unit, according to fifth-year head coach Neal Holliman. "Development (of talent) and truly competing on a daily basis will be the keys to our success in 2011," said Hol– liman, whose first squad cap– tured the MACJC stale champi onship. "Our goal for 20 II is lh(• same as il is each yL•ar, and thai •~ to 111aximizc our team's poll·111 i al. I ) c( z ~ 0 ..... z z 0::: c( ::J 0 z 0 :1! - 0 en (!) z LL. z c( 0 <( ::c 0 ..... c ..... .... ~ 0:: ~ ~ <( w 0: w 0 z en :1! 0:: c( ..... z - 0 w 0::: <( w D. D. <(
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