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ECCC Diamond Warriors prepare for successful season After winning runner-up hon–
for newcomers to tep in and fill necessary roles that were left vacant from a talented group .of sophomores." East Central begins the 2011 season by hosting Jefferson Da..is Community College of Brewton, Ala., in doubleheader action get– ting under way at 1 p.m. Wednes– day, Feb. 9. A nine--inning battle will be followed by a seven– inning matchup at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. Top returning starters include first baseman Richie Long and
catcher/third baseman Charles Hill, both ofCarthage; third base-– man Vmcent Kortbawi of Moundville,AL; and catcher/out– fielder Jeremy May of Little Rock. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell of Lake, Pervis Mann of Carthage and Bobby Bryan ofCrossett, Ark. Also expected to play major roles in the upcoming campaign include red-shirt freshman Tyler Neal, a 6-2, 185-pound outfielder See ECCC, page 10A
ors in the MACJC State Baseball Tournament and finishing third in Region 23 competition in 2010, East Central Community Col– lege's Diamond Warriors have their sights set on another suc– cessful campaign. The 2010 squad finished 39- 20and was ranked as high as lOth in the NJCAA poll during season competition. But how the team performs this season depends on how well they come together as a unit, according to fifth-year bead coach Neal Holliman. "Development (oftalent) and truly competing on a daily basis will be the keys to our success in 2011," said Holliman, whose first squad captured the MACJC State Baseball Championship. "Our goal for 2011 is the same as it is each year, and that is to maximize our team's potential. We also continue our efforts to be recognized as one of the top pro– grams in the nation and to be a contender for post-season success on a yearly basis," said Holliman. Regarding this year's squad, Holliman said: ''We have some quality players returning which will provide a good nucleus for success, but there is a lot of room
University in Memphis; Tanner Noakley, a 5-11, 155-pound infielder from Ocean Springs High School; Mitchell Wooten, a 5-11, 170-pounded right-handed pitcher from Edinburg High School~ Tyler Brant;· a r,~, 190- pound right-handed pitcher/out– fielder from Southaven High School and transfer fromthe Uni– versity of Southern Mississippi; and B.J. Martin, a 5-ll. 220- pound comer infielder from Franklinton, La. ; and Taylor Parks, a 5-8, 155-pound second baseman from Manchester Acad– emy; and Carlos Leal of Puerto Rico, a '5-11, 190-pound catcher and transfer from Broward Com– munity College mFlorida. Coach Holliman's staff includes assistants Michael Aval– on and Hunter Vick and graduate assistant Jesus Aleman, a former Diamond Warrior. Aleman was a team captain and member of the 2007 MACJC State Champi– onship squad
Continued from page 9A
from Edinburg; sophomores Jer– rod Myers, a 5-8, 165-pound out– fielder from JacksonSt. Andrews; and Darmaal Moore, a 5-8, 165- pound outfielder from Stone County High School in Wiggins. Among the 12 new Diamond Warriors are top prospects Kyle Moore, a 6-2, 205-pound infielder fromSouthaven High School and transfer from Christian Brothers
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