ECCC Baseball Program Offers Hitting/Pitching Clinics for Youth Area young base– ball players will have an opportunity to sharpen their hitting and pitching skills by participating in the annual Hitting and Pitching Indoors for Youth Clinic sched– uled during February at East Central Com– munity College m Decatur. "We are pleased to once again offer the hitting and pitching clinic to assist players in preparation for their upcoming sea– sons." said Neal Holli– man, ECCC head baseball coach. Holhman said instruction is designed for ages 6 to 12 and will be provid– ed by Diamond War– rior coaches and play– ers. Hitting instruction is offered from 6: 15 to 8:15p.m. each Thurs– day. The pitchmg clinic will be held Monday evenings, and partici– pants may choose, upon availabihty, between two sessions.
Shotts Inks ECOC Basebaft Scholarship Ryan Shotts (third from left), a standout baseball player at Louisville High School, Is shown signing a national letter d intent to continue his career at East Central Communi!)' College In Decatur. Shotts, a 6-1, 195-¢und infielder/outfielder pitcher, received Gold GloYe and husde awards at LHS. flE;o seat– ed (from left) are his parents. Char1es and Rhonda Shotts ct Louisville, and Wildcat head ~II ooach Justin Reed. Standi"' from left are ECOC head baseball coach Neal Holliman and assistants Michael Avalon, Hunter YO< and Jesus Aleman. The scholarship signing ceremonywas held Tuesday, Jan.18, 20111n the Molly McGee Gold Room In MatxyMemorial cafeteria at ECCC. {EC PhOO>)
The first session is scheduled from 6 to 7:15 p.m. followed by a second sess1on from 7:15 to 8:30p.m. Coach Holliman said players will be divided into groups for participation in batting practice, tee drills, soft toss, wiffle balls, bunting tech– niques and other hit– ting-related exercises. Pitchers will learn the fundamental steps of a delivery as well as t hrow a super– vised pen each week.
Participants will also be instructed in other aspects of pitching including arm care, pick moves and grips. Instruction will be provided in the Indoor Practice Facil– lty in Founders' Gym and the South Cam– pus Gymnasium. The mdoor facility includes two full– length cages, an area for bunting, a pitch– ing machine and sev– eral hitting stations. Cost is $100 for the Hitting Clinic and
$75 for the Pitching Clime. Participants can attend both clin– ics for $150. Fees include insurance and a camp T-shirt. Deadline to register is Friday, Jan . 28, 2011. For more informa– tion, contact Coach Neal Holliman (601- 635-6374) or Coach Michael Avalon (601- 635-6226). Their e– mail addresses are nholliman@eccc.edu a n d mavalon@eccc.edu.
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