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• Increases • In past year

ECCC hosted Spring Spree (Higher Education Appreciation activities during the week of April Day: Working Toward AcademiC 21-25, 2008, which included avol- Excellence) Instructor and leyball tournamen~ field games, a Student of the Year, respectively, crawfish boil and a spring formal. for 2007-08. Clayton began her ~~proxi~ately 140 students par- employment at ECCC rr August ticipated 1n the event. 2004 after serving the pre".:ous 20 The annual Award's Day event years as ascience teacher on the for ECCC was held May 1, 2008 in high school level. Lawrence a 46- Huff Auditonum on the Decatur year-old nontraditional stuoe11t .s campus. The program recognized a President's Ust Scholar i1h a more than 100 award recipients. perfect 4.0 grade point average. The highlight of the event was the Ascholarship in rTlel1lOI) of lee presentabon of the inductees to E. Johnson and Lizzie Granam the 2008 Hall of Fame. the highest Johnson has been endoY.ed at honor astudent can receiVe at the ECCC. The Johnson r=armly College. Hall of Fame members Eng1neenng Scholarsh p was 1nclude Ashley Henley, Jonathan established by the couples chil· Jackson and Noah Cook, all of dren, Joe Lee and 0 e J. Hickory, Beth Alexander of Little Johnson, John and Elsie Johnson Rock, Julie Gaines of Philadelphia Hollingsworth, Charlie R. Johnson and Dru Anderson of Decatur. and Danny E. Johnson. ECCC students, Beth A scholarship in memory of Alexander of Little Rock and Andrew Wilson Lathem was Jonathan Jackson of Hickory were established at ECCC. Lathem was named to the 2008 Ph1 Theta the eighth child of William Andrew Kappa All-Mississippi Academ1c and Mattie Bran~ey Lathem of Teams. Alexander. a communrca- Sebastopol and was the on.y one tions major, was among 15 stu- of 10 children to attend college. dents named to the First Team The Classes of 1957. 1958 and and received a $1,000 stipend. 1959 who met annually during Jackson, liberal arts major, was Homecoming activities, estab– named to the Second Team. llshed a scholarship to assist stu- Graduation for the Class of dents and college expenses. The 2008 was held May 10 at the group has held reunions for nearly Nashoba County Coliseum. Atotal 10 years. of 474 students graduated wrth The ECCC soccer teams were more than 300 participating in the recognized fortheir academic sue– ceremony. cess by the National Junior

ECCC began a four-day week College Athletic Association schedule for the two summer 2008 (NJCAA). The Warriors posted a terms offered at the College as a 3.02 grade point average during cost-sa'lillQ measure for students the tal term placmg second in the and faculty nation tor the NJCAA. The Lady Numerous students represent- Soccer Wamors achieved a 3.25 mg ECCC won honors at the grade point average for the fall annual M1ss·ss1pp1 Sk1lsUSA semester and finished fourth in the Champtonsh1ps F1rst-place wrn- nation. Th1s is the third consecu– ners rnctude: Crystal McGee of live year the Lady SoccerWarriors Philadelphia, Brandi Carter of have finished among the top five in LoulsVIfle and Krys~e Walker of the academic competition. Newton, Occupational Health Safety Single; Travis Jordan of F Pelahatchie, Collision Repair all2008 Technology; and James Johnson ECCC Implemented a of Madd~n, Re~idential Wiring. SchooiCast Emergency Chem1stry mstruct?r Peg_gy Notification and Rapid Alert Clayt?n and pre-nursmg major System, Warrior Alert, to assist

Debbte Lawrence of Kosciusko were named ECCC's HEADWAE

See ECCC, 9A

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