BA • rHE scorr coL:m· mftS ECCC celebrates enrollment, plans DECATUR - East Central Bruce Guraedy retired after 33 Cormlunity College m Decatur years of service at East Central as boasted a successful year in 2008 an art instructor. Guraedy began not only with111 athletJcs and the his employment at East Central in continued development of the 1975 after receivmg a master's College. but also with plans for the degree in art education from the future. Unrversrty of Southern Misstssrppi The year was marked with where he also received a bache– achievement in early spring as the br's degree m art. The Forest H. Lady Warrior Basketball team Htgh School graduate later con1- claimed the Region 23 ?':eted additional studies at Championship following their 67. 'lSSiSSippi State University and 62 vtetory over Holmes ' ISSrssrppi CoUege. Commumty College on March 6, ~g a 2Q-ye~ career in 2008 at MissiSSipPI College's A. E. ed~tion, the last nine years of Wood Coliseum in Cfinton. Tt.e y,1\ich he has served as an ECCC women advanced to tne English instructor at ECCC Tony 2008 NJCAA DIVisiOn Women s Kintort of Carthaga re:.red .'(Jntoo Basketball Championship L"l began his employment at the Salina Kansas and finished the College in 1999 as choral mUSlC season at 22·8 under third-year mstructor. He also served as direc· head coach BiD Smith tor of the Concert Chotr and The College was not only sue- ECCC ShoWchoir, the Ac'cents. cessful on the court but also ECCC recogrized former accomplished increas1ng enroll- Board of Trustee meMbers ment with the second highest m Melanie Hartley and Ken Pouncey the College's history dunng the tan be their yea'S of servrce on the 2008 semester.The drive for high- Board Hartley served from 2001 er education continues to ilcrease t> 2007 as the supenntendent of and with that force the enrollment educabon for Leake County for classes ~ 2.640 st:r ~ se"!ed oo the Board for dents for just 99 students shy of Newton County on three separate 1he eoaege·s tughest enro!inentof occas100s: 1984·85, 1988 and 2,739 reached in 2004.Three hun- 2006-o?. deed fifty ooe students from Scott Tanya Boler of Conehatta and county were enrolled during the Christy Ferguson of Philadelphia FaD 2008 semester. were selected Academic and Prospective college students Career-Techmcal Instructors of continually feel the need for h1gher the Year, respectively for East education with the demands of the Central. An English instructor, workforce, ECCC President Dr. Boler has been employed at Phil A. Sutphin said. ECCC since 2002 and teaches SPECIAL TO THE TIMES Sprlng 2008
"As the ecomny changes more English Composition I and II and individuals see the benefits of American Literature I and 11. post-secondary educational Ferguson joined the ECCC staff in opportunities: Dr Sutphtn satd. 1999 and serves as a Business "Emppoyees rrust ~te on a and Office Technology instructor. global scale for jobs and the kind She teaches courses in medical of educational qlpOI'tunilles aYclll· transcription, machine transcrip– able at EC Will give employees the lion, microcomputer applications, IDois to ~-· desktop publishing, integrated Wrth the opening door of edu- computer appffcations, keyboard· cationaJ opportunities, EC mam· ing and electronic spreadsheet tains options lor students in al East Central welcomed new areas, Dr. Sutphin said staff and faculty members and "Students may COOle to EC for other employees changed posi· several reasons,& Dr.Sutphin said lions. New staff members and oth· "Scme may want ID take a rew ers changing job positions include· classes to improve specific skills Brian Anderson, asststant football or knowledge; others may want to coach; David Blackledge, physteaJ obtain a degree in a skill area to plant director; Brent Gregory, ells– mow directly into the WOOdon::e located worker coordinator Ctvts while others may want the first two Harris, director of personnel serv– years of abachelor's degree. The ICes/athletic director; Alexei College also provides worldon:e Huguley, cultnary arts tecMology training opportunities to help instructor; Kyle James, 1nforma· employees and employers tion technology 5peCI3l st: improve in specific areas that are Deborah Lucroy, secretary to the cri1ica1 k> success in IDday·s ecoo- physical plant director; Be1sy rxfrl." Mann, dean of healthcare educa– Another element of the sue- 1ng Instructor; Chnsty Savell cessfuJ drive of ECCC is preparing associate degree nursing instruc· for future and CUJTent needs of the tor and Amanda WaJton, secre· College. Plans are underway for a tary to the athletic director/ direc– fle't. soence buiJcfng The bu ldilg tor of pe~nel services was named lhe Aaron A. Davis East Central honored the Science 8uJlding in honor of long- m_emory ofBill Tham~ of Newton time sc1ence Instructor Ron Davis. with a resolution for h1s 11 years Davis, who taught general brology. of service to the College as a zoology, and human anatomy and member of the ECCC Board of physiology classes for 19 years at Trustees prior to his death on East Central, lost h1s two-year bat· Dec. 26, 2007 College President tie with cancer on April 21, 2006. Dr. Phil A. Sutphin presented the Plans to coomence construction plaque to Thames' Widow. Bett of the building is set for mid Thames during the Board's August 2009. March 11, 2008 luncheonimeet· Other highlights from 2008 at 1ng held on the Decatur campus. ECCC include: Monte Ladner of Carthage and Looking forward lion; Jonathan Peeples, drrector of student life;recruiter; Paula Russum, associate degree ours-
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