WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1.2009 ECCC From Page SA dents participated in the event. The annual Award's Day event for ECCC was held May 1, 2008 in Huff Auditorium on the Decatur campus. The program recognized more than 100 award recipients. The highlight of the event was the presentation of the inductees to the 2008 Hall of Fame, the highest honor a stu· dent can receive at the College. Hall of Fame members include Ashley Henley, Jonathan Jackson and Noah Cook, all of Hickory, Beth Alexander of Little Rock, Julie Gaines of Philadelphia and Dru Anderson of Decatur. ECCC students, Beth Alexander of Little Rock and Jonathan Jackson of Hickory were named to the 2008 Phi Theta Kappa All-Mississippi Academic Teams. Alexander, a commumcations major, was among 15 students named to the First Team and rece1ved a $1 ,000 stipend. Jackson, liberal arts major, was named to the Second Team Graduation for the Class of 2008 was held May 10 at the Neshoba County Coliseum. A total of 474 students graduated with more than 300 partic•pating in the ceremony. ECCC began afour-day week schedule for the two summer 2008 terms offered at the College as a cost-saving meas– ure for students and faculty. Numerous students repre– senting ECCC won honors at the annual Mississippi SkillsUSA Championships. First-place win· ners include: Crystal McGee of Philadelphia, Brandi Carter of Louisville and Krystle Walker of Newton, Occupational Health Safety Single; Trav1s Jordan of Pelahatchie, Collision Repair Technology; and James Johnson of Madden, Residential Winng.
Johnson, John and Elsie Johnson Hollingsworth, Charlie R. Johnson and Danny E. Johnson. A scholarship in f(lemory of Andrew Wilson Lathem was established at ECCC. Lathem was the eighth child of William Andrew and Mattie Brantley Lathem of Sebastopol and was the only one of 10 children to attend college. The Classes of 1957, 1958 and 1959, who met annually dur– ing Homecoming activities, established a scholarship to ass1st students and college expenses. The group has held reunions for nearly 10 years. The ECCC soccer teams were recognized for their aca– demic success by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). The Warriors posted a 3.02 grade po1nt average dunng the fall term, placing second in the nation for the NJCAA The lady SoccerWarriors ach1eved a3.25 grade point average for the fall semester and finished fourth in the nation. This is the third con– secutive year the lady Soccer Warriors have fimshed among the top five 1n the academic com– petition. Emergency Notification and Rap1d Alert System, Warrior Alert, to assist with safety protocol at the College. The College added cable and Internet service to the amenities of campus hous1ng for dorm"o· ry students. Marijo James Denson, a for· mer ECCC May Queen, of Decatur was chosen the College's Alumna of the Year. Denson serves on the Board of the Mississippi Regional Housing Authority #5 and serves as vice president of com- Fall2008 ECCC SchooiCast implemented a
Ct>em s;;y nstructor Peggy Clayton and pre-nurs111g ma1or Deoo•e lawrence of KosciusKo were named ECcc·s HEAD· WAE (H1gher Education AppreCiation Day: Working Toward Academic Excellence) Instructor and Student of the Year, respectively, for 2007 -oa. Clayton began her employment at ECCC in August 2004 after serving the previous20 years as a science teacher on the high school level. lawrence, a 46· year-old nontraditional student, isaPresident's List Scholar with a perfect 4.0 grade pomt aver– age. A scholarship in memory of Lee E. Johnson and Lizzie Graham Johnson has been endowed at ECCC. The Johnson Family Engineering Scholarship was established by thecouple's children, Joe Lee and Ollie J
missioners of the Southeastern Regional Conference for Hous1ng and Redevelopment. Richard E. "Dick" Mayo of Decatur was chosen ECCC's Alumnus of the Year. Mayo retired from NASA's Johnson Space Center after more than 33 years of federal service, including developing the life support gear for astronauts suchasNeil Armstrong. A.J. Kilpatrick who spent 36 years as a head football coach, successfully guiding communi– ty{junior collegeand high school teams to an overall 238-138·12 record, was selected to ECCC's Athletic Hall of Fame. In recognition of his success in leading the DiamondWarrior baseball program, Jamie Clark was inducted posthumously to ECCC's Athletic Hall of Fame. Clark began his tenure in 1998
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