In 2003 he represented East Central as a lamplighter at the slate Lamplighter Con– ference. He has long been active professionally as a writer, pri– marily in the field of outdoors. He placed his first article in 1976 with Church Recreation– al, and since then has pub– lished four books and more than 1,500 articles in stale, regional and national maga– zines. His writing assignments have taken him across the U'nited States alld to our Canadian provinces, Honduras and the Republic of South Africa. He serves as hunting editor for Primitive Archer, field edi– tor for Blackpowder Hunting and Cabela's Outfitter Journal, columnist for Mossy Oak's Hunting and Country, and columnist for Today in Missis– sippi. His work also appears under various titles published by Han;s Publications of New York, and is a regular contrib– utor to Mississippi Outdoors. Kinton is active in Profes– sional Outdoor Media Associa-
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