WEEK OF . '.:v-. 'Y\ . 1 '5,/.n I
SCHOLARS BOWL TEAM WINS At left, members of the East CentraJ Community College Scholars Bowl team display the trophy they won for placlng second In the South Mississippi Scholars Tournament held recently at Southwest Mississippi Community Colleee In Summit From left are Stewart and Marte Hoy of Decatur, Raquel Hollingsworth of Forest, Beth Alexander of Little Rock, Ashley Henley of Hickory and sponsor Dr. Unda Lane. Not pictured are team members Nlchole Ball of louisville and VIctor Wamsley of Morton. Six communi– ty/Junior college teams participated In the one-day event, won by the host tchool.
NESHOBADEMOCRAT _ ___ NE~ONRECORD ________ _ MERIDIAN STAR _______ CLARION-LEDGER ________ _ IMPACT ____________
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