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SCOTT COUNTY STUDENTS I ~ DUCTED INTO ECCC HONOR SOCIETY These East Central Community College students from Scott County wereInducted Into Theta XI Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the International honor sodety of the ~ar col– lege, during fall Induction c:eremonles held recently on the Decatur campus. Pictured are (seated, from left) NlkJd Richardson and Lauryn Laird, both of Lake; and Ryan Parker of Morton; and (standing, from left)AndyWoodsofForestand Doug Kelley of Sebastopol. Not pictured are Andy Anderson of Morton and Bethany Sharp of Sebastopol
C ARTH AG! N IAN The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to promote~ to c~ew~op c:haractet and to -- cultivate fellowship among academically superior students. Membership is by lnvttatlon SCOTT COUNTY TlME I only. To be ellgJbfe, students must have earned a3.5 or better grade point average as a full-time student and have an overall grade point average of 3.5 or better. UN!0N APPEAL Sylvia Wright and Deborah Hammons serve as Theta XI sponsors. WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ____
l;LA.KIV I'f-L.L..V-.;o...a, ------ IMPACT _ _____________
SPtRIT OF MORTON-- ---- -- OTHER _ ______________
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