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st Central pulls huge upset in ~t~te tourney, Friday's action postponed due tQ wet grounds

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from staff reports In a game that lasted almost to

tlw t'ountry before East Central's stu nning win in the first round. fhe Diamond Warriors improved to 28-21 following

The cutin• day of MACJC Stat<: Tournament pia} was postphned after it was dett:rnuned the playing field was too wet to play. The two lt>ams wilt instead ~nect at ·1 p.m. lir first-round ron– le~t in the dou):>le-eliminatioll 1 tour- nanu~nt. ··· - '

Wilh that win, th(• T~?nglcs dinchl•d hosting duties fM the . Region XXIII Tournament which will b<'gin May 14. Tht• top six tl'ams in tlw MACJC State Tournament will make the Region XXll1 Tournanwnt along with l~~l Eunice, which is the No. 1 ranked Junior coliPgc team in the country. Tht• four-day tournament con eludes Sunday with the champi– onship match-up :;et for l p.m.

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n1itlnighl, bast Central ( (unmunity Collcgt· upset 1ationally rankE'd Missis ~ippi Gulf Coast Commu nity Collegt· :~-2 Thursday night in first-round action of the MACJC Stale Base– bull Tournament being held on Gulf Coast's Perkinston campus.

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the victory. while the Bull– dogs dropped to 36-10. East Central was to fat·c anotlwr nationally ranked h·a~+o~ Meridian Cornmu nity College - at 7 p.m. tonight.

llowevt:r, Nature clttidt•d that the games would not lw playt·d. Motht-r

Gulf Coast was th<• No. 2 rankt·d junior coiJ(•ge baseball program in

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