WEEKOF __ ~q_-~3~6~-~0~7~----

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Ea~t Central bcgi.,, ~ mcnt actton by t l..i 1"" l.l ~is~ippi Gulf Coast • ~ . Thur~- da~ on the Perkinston campus. Gulf Coa~t v.on the M \CJC South 01\ i– sion t1tle Rmmdmg out the six-team hrad,– ct ar.: N01th D1visiun v. inner North \\Cst Mi~siss1ppi Community C.oi– Jegc and nmncr-up ltd\\ .unh.t Com– mum!) College· Central Dh tht) 6, \\hen the champtonshtp game gel' undcn\a\ .dt I p.m, tn Perkinston. The Lad} Dwmond Warr ors, \llho ate 28-18 0\erall.laptun·d the1r thirJ-stratght MACJC Central 01\ is1on title \\ ith a 12-4 mark undc1 fourth-)'e.tr hestppt Communi– ty College is the North Di\ 1 ion runner-up .md Pearl Rt\ er C onuntt· nit) College pl.ll:ed second in th1.· South. Also qualil) ing for £he l;t,lle tournament te Hllld' Commun1ty College. C'emral Dn iston runner,. up; and Ml';sr,stppi Gulf Cou ... t Communll) College. South On 1- Sl()ll WJnOel l'he three-day tournament ~.·on­ eludes on Sunda), Ma) o, '' ith the champion<.lup l onte't 'et to l:~e"tll at 2 p.m Ill Sen,ttobta. Both qu.u.ls can abo quahfy f01 tl1etr n:~pccttve Regwn :!3 1ouma– ment - scheduled the lollowl!lg week- b) wmning ,H h:asl one gnme 111 ~tate compet1ti11n. L t<•lllllrt· )st !1. h~-

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