EAS ST CENTR~L COMM UNITY Cj OLLEG E Dr. Lane tO way 'adios' at Ecce as a Second Langua~e) program for HisJ?anics at the Trinity Misswn in Forest." Her biggest challenge. she said, has been getting students to emoll in Spanish. especially as freshmen. · "Many of them. espe– ciallv those with little or no language background in high school, are afraid of studying a foreign lan guage and are very reluc– tant to include a Spanish course in their programs of study,'' Dr. Lane said. Although she admits

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Spc(w/to lhc Ucwnl After 40 years of teach– ing others foreign lan– guages, Dr. Linda Lane will retire from East Cen– tral Community College at the end of the spring term and says she looks forward to new possibili– ties. "There are certainly feelings of nostalgia as I transition from a full-time teaching career to retire– ment," she said. "Howev– er, I am looking forward to the freedom that retire– ment offers and am excit– ed about the possibilities of new learning experi– ences and service oppor– tunities that will come with this freedom." Dr. Lane has been employed at East Central since 1999 and has taught courses in Elementary Spanish 1 and II and Intermediate Spanish I and II. She has also served as faculty sponsor of the Scholars Bowl for six years. She was select– ed the college's ':Academ– ic Instructor of the Year·· in2000. She said she has enjoyed working with the students both inside and outside the classroom. "It has been fun to see their excitement as they learn to express them– selves in another lan– guage," she said. "One of the most rewardin~ expe– r iences was involvmg them in service learning through the ESL (English

she won't miss grading papers, Dr. Lane said she will miss the camaraderie v.ri.th her colleagues once she retires. "The spirit of coopera· tion and support is very strong here and is what makes working at EC so enjoyable," she said. Dr. Lane said that her career choice "can be attributed to genes." "Both of my parents


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DR. LINDA LANE said it was fun to see the excitement on students' faces as they learn to express themselves in dif– ferent languages.

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