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More than 480 students are scheduled to receive diplomas Saturday, May 12 when East Central Community College holds its 78th Commencement beginning at 11 a.m. in the Neshoba County Coliseum in Philadelphia. Graduating sophomores participating on the program include (from left) Celeste Burt of Philadelphia, who will give the benediction; Victor Wamsley of Morton, invocation; Anse Rigby of Forest who will present the musical selection "You Raise Me Up;" and Loren Kennedy of Union, commencement speaker. (EC Photo)

Johnson. Jo Anne Jonc,, Kathe;:nnc Lin<.hcy Jones. John Dou~las Kelley,

Jennifer King, Charles Cory Lewis. llayley I:llit.abclh Lewis, William Long, Jamie Mmtin. Donny Massey. Kurt MiJ..el \1.t). Leon A. Mellon, Kimberly ~1oody. Wesle) H Mood). Xazier Ra..,had Moore. Susanna M. Pace, Raytc!->hia Payne. Meredith Perry, Jonathan Brook Pickens. Michael Dcwayne Pierce. Michael Dewa) ne Pierce. Paige Po~e), Barry Joe Richar

UNI0 :-.1: Christopher Clay Arthur. Joe Oscar Buntyn, Jc~sica Laine Cager, Kimberly L. Cleveland, Sharmyn La'rea Crocker. Wes Driskell, Angela Williamson Fergu.,on, Shawn Giard, Cassie Grace Gordon. Luke Howell, Loren Michelle Kennedy, Benny Lee, Johnny R. Lewis, Morgan Milling, Amber Joy Timms Moore, Candy L. ~loore. Jordan Robinson. Wilham Daniel Russell, Andre\\ C. Sharp, Joshua B. Skinner. Kelly Lane Skinner, Morgan Staton, Natalie Sha' Tatum, Tiffan) Danicllc Thrm Judil! S. Thomp on, Megan lid\\ell. Treasure Vance, BenJamin T. er Wallace and Gell) B \\'h l.f' CE\IB 2006 u ~ .)lEA JOj ~'1.10~ J~qli;)UJ J~H -u'ncr'""""':\\ ruo~ puc [~etp!J,'\ JO IJlqangp Jlfl ! ~LIS IIP.J s~ ~~~IJn:> U! uope.:mpa \.Jt> -puo:>os U! .rofew 01 sue[d ptm ~U!Jd~ '>1~1 [004:JS 4g!H [llJlU~:) eqoq~ "<"~lilA. ~4J. 10 UUd ll 'AUlldUIO,) UO!lJIUlSUO.)


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