ECCC graduation scheduled' May 12 at Neshoba Coliseum

More than 480 1.tudents are sched– uled to receive diplomas Saturday. May 12 when East Central Communit)' College holds i~ 78th Commencement beginning at II a.m. in the Neshoba County Coliseum in Philadelphia. Included in the total are those who completed degree requiremenb fol– lowing the 2006 summer and fall terms, according to Dr. Lavinia

Sparkman, Vice President for Instructibn. Those participating in the program include graduating sophomores Victor Wamsley of Morton, who will give the invocation; Loren Kennedy of Union, commencement ~pcaker: and Celeste Burt of Philadelphia, benediction. Anse Rigby of Forest will present the musical selection "You Raise .Me Up."

Dr. Sparkman Will present candi– dates for graduation and ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphm will award degrees and certificates to the following: CHOCTAW: Delynn Shirakatrice Agee. Ramon V \gunie. Sherman Billie. Danita Nicole Stephens and Jerry Wmter: · PHILADELPHIA: Charleigh Anne Alford. Savannah R. Barksdale, Samara 1 ynn Beckham, Arthur Sean Breakfield. Heather Celeste Burt, Knstin Taylor Clark, Kristen Clark. Stcphamc Nakw Dennis, Stephen Eichelberger. Brian Emerson, Patnce Fielder, Ton}a T. Fortune, Da\id R. Frycry. Chester Allen Greer Jr., Candace Nicholc Griffin. Eli1abeth Ga1l Henderson, Carletta Luanne Denson Henry, Maretta Hud1.on. Memol) R. Hunter, Patrick Jackson, Talmage Jayroe. Andrew Paul CANDIDATES FOR MAY GRADUATION

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