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LA-Z-BOY MAKES ECCC CONTRIBUTION Offlclats with La-Z-Soy South In Newton recently presented checks totaling $27,000 designated for atflletics and academics at East Central Community College In Decatur. Chuck Grogan (second from left), company Vice PresldenVGeneral Manager, and general manager, is shown making the presentation to ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. Also pictured are Terry Underwood (right), ECCC athletic director/head football coach, and Tom Keith (left), La-Z-Boy Human Resource Manager. Grogan said $25,000 Is earmarked for Warrior athletics and $2,000 funds the La-Z..SOy Scholarship, which Is awarded annually to at least two students residing In the College's ~untry district Funds are provided by the La-Z-Boy South Foundation.


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