Suspect in kidnapping case l.as bond denied By Briar. L 1 vingston ..:L- - ~ County Sherift Jackie Knight ~Ionday afternoon. ·But she's goir.~ to be all right. ·we're pretty happy I .tbout that." I
Knight is aJ,o happy they have Ro.ger Leon Guysc I Ill in custody. Cuyse. :;1, of Conehatta, has been rharged ·with kidnapping and possession of a llrcarm 1 on school properly. His bond request was denied l\1onday morniug in Ne\\ ton County Justice Court. I See Kidnapping 1 Page A2 I Kidnapping From page A1
Ao! East Cc:ntr.il l • ··Hunity College student lilutH: her:sdf \\it h ~· bl d, .,.. ·olwr stuck into her side l..tle ')umbv ntortlitu~ :1 '-lte became the victim of an ipparo"nt kidn~tppitH.~· ;,r a dorm on campus. liut lwr 1 1 ukk tlt•tki ·g and the reaction of a :lewton Count) Sll 1;1 's it puty ended the incident wirhom ;>nyone gdtine; bur "\1'ell, she had a few hruises,'' said Newton
was quickly picked up by a motorist who was following Guyse's Explorer. "The man behind them in the second vehide worked on the campus quite a.bil. recog– nized the girl and got her in his car," Knight explained. "A call was made to 911." On his way north to Decatur on Highway 503. Newton County Deputy Jeff Clayton got the radio call. Seconds later he was passed by Guyse heading south. Clayton quickly turned around, stopped the vehicle and placed Guyse into custody. "From the time the 911 call was made to the apprehension, it was seven minutes,'' said Knight. "I might have to buy Clayton a hamburger." Guyse is currentlr being held in the Newton County Adult Detention Facility.
"The judge felt the nature of the crime warranted the bond denial," Knight 5aid. At about 11:05 a.m.. the stu– dent entered Barber Hall on the campus of the community college in Decatur. While walking- through the front lobby, she noticed a man, later identified to be Guyse, there. After going to her room. she walked back through the lobby only to be allegedly approached by Guy~e. ''He laid one hand on her shoulder and put the gun in her side," said Knight. "He then escorted her to his vehicle." As Guyse slowly drove his red Ford. Explorer off the campus. the victim jumped from the vehicle. Hitting the ground and rolling. the victim
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