rch r I 2007 Kidnapping... c ootinued from page lA "And I said 'what?'...and tried to move... tried to get away." "And then he looked at me funny and thEm looked down and ...he had.a gun poking into my ribs," she said. It was at this point that Rash described herself as "getting very upset." She said Cuyse took her to the pa~senger door of his vehicle and put her cell phone in his pocket and told her to buckle her scat belt. "But, I couldn't. There wasn't a fas– tener and he looked and saw there wa~n't a buckle to fas– ten it with. He looked and said, 'That's okay, I trust you' and patted me on the leg." She said the vehicle woufdn' t start right away, "It took it a couple of ti mes to crank and I was thinking maybe I should try to run away right now. l didn't and I just sat there wonderi ng what I was going to do," she recalled. She said when they had driven only a 100 yards or so and were in front of the old Decatur High School gym– nasium she saw there were other people around. "I real– ized it was Ricky Walker in a vehicle and I don't remem– ber jumping out, but I did." Rash pushed herself out of the slowly moving SUV and fell to the pavement, sustaining some bumps, bruises and abrasions. "The next thing I know T (had) hit the ground run– ning," she said. Walker picked her up and took her to the police sta– tion, where a bulletin was issued for Guyse's arrest. Guyse was apprehended north of Hickory on Hwy. 503 by Newton County Deputy Sheriff Jeff Clayton and charged with kidnapping and possession of a gun on school property. His bond was denied on Monday in Justice Court. Guyse, 21, of Conehatta, is a former ECCC student and currently attends the University of West Alabama. Rash said she and Guyse had shared a class last year on the EC campus, but she did think she was specifically singled out. "J think he was just looking for anyone and I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I really don't think I was a target." Rash is the daughter of Kevin and Angela Rash, 101 Long St., Union. Angela said Tuesday, "Granted what happened, happened. And, we are so thankful that Andrea is okay. But, the attention needs to be focused on better security. Something needs to be done and they are doing it." She said Joe Allen Killens, Director of Studen~ Affairs at EC had been most helpful. "Joe Allen has assured us that changes have already been made." Killens declined to comment on what was being done to tighten security at the college Tuesday, referring all comments to President Phil Sutphin, who was out of town and couldn't be reached. Pennington said the ca~ will be hanslled b} his department in conjunction with the sheriff's office. ''I'm just glad she jumped out/ he said.
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