.:: ECCCPHOTO L_ADl \\- RRIOR ALL-STARS Three members of the East Central Community Collegewomen's basketball team were selected to participate In the MACJC All-Star Basketball Games held Saturday, Aprtl18 at Choctaw Central Hlgll Sclloolln Choctaw. South teammembers Kotreece Bender (40) of Newton, Kristin Chane) (21) of Newton County and Kim Cox (20) of Lake nlhown with Lady Warrior head coach Brad Hodge and assistant Zareth Gray prior to the ann~t al matchup, which was won 87-58 by the North squad. All three played but only Bender got on thescoreboard as shetallied six points. East CentraiiiMIM holt ol the AHIIr basketball games. Otner sponsors are the Pear1 River Reeort, Mlllllllppl Band of Choctaw Indians, Pepal and ppl Sports Medicine. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN------- NESHOBADEMOCRAT ______ NEWTON RECORD _ _________ MERIDIAN STAR-- --- -– CLARION-LEDGER ---------- LAKE MESSENGER __________ / SCOTT COUNTY TIMES __ _,!;....\/ _ ___ UNION APPEAL --------– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL---- SPIRIT OF MORTON-------- IMPACT _________________
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