G) HOdge steps down as EC w East Central Community 2004-05 season with a 20-10 · "It's a D1 College women's head basket- overall record and were runners ing job anell ball coach Brad by up in the Region 23 Tournament thought th;1t Hodge recently Marty and a semifinalist in the MACJC pened. It'sJu announcE:'d his res- Stamper state tournament. the good l o1 ignalion and has .., His 2003-04 team captured with. I'm accepted a similar position at the South Division. MACJC and take Birmingham-Southern College, Region 23 titles. and had an One of a member of the NCAADivision Elite Eight finish in the NJCAA schedule tit I and Big South Conference. Tournament en route to a 31 4 Mississippi BSC is a private liberal arts record which set the school director at H college in Birmingham. Ala.. record for wins in a season. a former II and is associated with the That same year, Hodge was Mississippi ' Methodist church. named MAC (Mississippi Brad Hodge "We'll b Thr Panthers finshed 13-15 Association of Coaches) Comm .. play Stat!·.~ I last year under Janine Hoffman. unity/Junior College Women's l(ha .ECGG Ya~rr,.s wr'll be pl!l\ who.resigned following her fifth Basketball Coach of the Year and 2001-02 14-11 in New 011 year with the program to return received the same honor on the 2002-03 15-11 N i k k i to her native Washington. Region 23 and stale levels. 2003-04 3 1 ·4 LaCour. n Hoffman had a 77-62 composite He led the 2002-03 Lady ~~~~-OS ~g~~~ , .. Jormer H record at BSC. Warriors to a 15 ll mark and s t a ndour Hodge confirmed he is bound berths in thr Rt>gion 23 <111cl p I a y ·c 1 for BSC Monda')' night. MACK tournarn!•nt~. two yPars under Sammy Pace. b c f o r t' "I have accept{'{! thr. lwad rtw 1:( wouwn al<.C> pn,tt ·d n Hodge is also ft former assis- tran~fer coachii1g job,· Hodge .,,lid. "I'll winuiug ltmiCI in his initugut~l 111111 nu!n's llt~'>k.Ptball roach at ring to be leaving some tint(' next wl•l'k, ~PiNlll llt':tcl r n;Kh, luu,hiug t.lu• Uniw1sily of Louisiana- Loulslan.t The official announceml'llll lwn~ wit h a I•1· 11 11~1 mel I ht• l.ad y 1\ltlllllll~ aud Athens State Monro c· will be next week. Tlwn I II Wait iiH '> Wt 'Hl :;tntt~ :>t lntliuli l<;(s College in Alabama. w a • h~ve to hit the road rc
'S basketball co
I head coach– would have ld have hap~
one of things that has blessed tnt> rely going to :JI iL" reams on BSC's ~(·ason will be 1c The athletics 1~ Joe Dean. Jr., tball player at
At The Big Show . Brad Hodge, r ight, and then ECCC women's I ball coach Sammy Pace just prior to an NJ CA Tournament game with Cloud County (Kan .) t College in 2001 at Salina, Kan. Photo b.r M, .,_ tion dc'Partment contribuu•cl to this .'II n 1
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