ECCC OFFERS PEDIATRIC BASIC TRAUMA LIFE SUP– PORT CLASS A one~day class in Pedi– atric Basic Trauma Life Sup~ port is being offered Satur– day, January 25 at East Cen– tral Community Co!Jege in Decatur. The special interest course i.<; designed for EMTs, health care workers, paramedics and other health-related fields. Partic– ipants receive CEU (.8 CEUs) credit for completing the course, which is sched– uled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Frank T. Rives Educa– tional Building. Room 26. Cost is 560 per ~tudent. Patrick Black, director I instructor for ECCC's new Paramedic Technology program, serves as class instructor. For more information con– tact the Office qf Adult and Continuing Edtication, Fast Central Communitv Col– lege, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur, Miss. 39327, Phone 635-2111
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CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_____ _ NEWTON RECORD ------------------- MERIDIAN STAR -------------------- CLARION-LEDGER.________
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