school. Coach Dykt•s' Bobeats will begin spring football pra~:tice Fd>. 17. ' llwy will practice fou r days a week for three weeks leading up to spring brenk, which is March 10-1·1. They return afte r spring bn•ak for two mon: wt•l'ks of practict·. . Coach Ed Smith's gllllll'alll recently held tr youts f01·thl' tl•wu. The spring golf sdlt'dnle ha~ not ht't:n fi nalized. - S ha\\'n \\'nnsley}
The t\tCC golf lt:am opened its Sl'ason on Sunday aJJCI Monday at the Hock Creek Cnuntry Club for the Faulku·~r St&ste lnvilnt ionnl. Aftt•r' n poor .fir~t clay, MCC enrnc hnt Pearl River CC ' llu: Wiltkats remained nH>t> the South [livision standings hy winning a pair of J.!:unes, whipping Enst Ct•ntrlll H2·5~1 on Thursday, then•.•;u;ing pnNI Suuthwt!Sl fi•l-!)0 on :\lc_lllday. YmHltoll Brown ~word :.!ri JICtinf !lllllll Kt•eslt-r J oh11soll :ulckcl I G poinftl in the romp oV<'r' ECCC: Brown !tad 17 for tlw Wildeals again~l Southwest. PRCC is 17-:1 owrall ami X-I inlhl' divi~ion. The Lady Wildcats split their two games, defeating East Centralti9-60, but falling to Southwest 68-64. Auclosha Kelley scored 2:.! points against East Central and :w against Southwest. The PRCC woman are 15-5 overall and 5-4 in the division. - Stan Caldwell Meridian CC Going into Monday night's play, five of the Meridian Star's six junior col– lege basketball teams were still fighting for playoff berths. But the Lady Bobcats ufJones Junior College may have dealt a dt•ath blow to the'"State Tournament chances of the Meridian Community College Lady Eagles. Jones hung on for a 90-88 victory at lhe•.MCC Ivy Sports Center on Monday night. The loss dropped MCC to B-6 in the South Division. For Jones, it was their first in the South Division this season. 11 1t. was a real tough loss." said ~1CC head coach Hilary Allen afterwards. "But this has been a tough season. We've been battling injuries and sick– ness all season. "But, my team continues to play hard. We've lost some games in the second half of the year, even though, we probably played as hard as any we have all year, 11 Allen said. TI1e MCC men stayed in the race after picking up a big road \\in at Copiah-Lincoln last Thursday. The Eagles were 4--4 in the division going into Monday's game with Jones, but then lost that one to fall to -1-5. Athletic Association poll. Head coach Bobby Glaze ha~ announced the signings of three area high school baseball players to schol– ars hips . Cagney Ulme r of Laure l, Jason Ford of Northeas t]ones and J oey Mooney of Seminary have s igned with the Bobcats. He ad coach Parke r Dykes' football team will announce the signing of high school football players Friday at the · -Jeff Byrd
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