Featured ... ~ eshoba Count\r Fair Performers ..
Central, Jennifer Carson ofNewton County, Natalie Tanksley of Sebastopol, April Ellis of Edinburg, EmilyMayes of Newton County and Chris Moody of Nanih Waiya; and (third row, from left) David Waiters ofPhiladel– phia. Adam McAdory of Louisville, Damien Wash and Chris Carson, both of Newton County; Johnny Jones II of Newton and Grant Morris of Neshoba Central. The Collegians are under the direction of Thomas W. Carson who is a lso a member of the group. (EC Photo)
DECATUR-- The Colle– gians of East Central Community College will again be featured enter– tainers during "ECCC Day" activities scheduled Monday, July 28 at the Neshoba County Fair. The popular musicians, who recently performed at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida, will be in concert at 1 p.m. at the Founder's
~yan Cooper "f ~ewton C omt~ . (s.c.:on..: row. from ef;.) .i\ manda Thompson
Square pavilion, and agam at 6:45 p.m. at the race– track, prior to this 1\ liss Neshoba County Pageam. This year's performance marks the 20th ann iver– sary ofCollegian concerts at the Neshoba County Fair. The ECCC cheer– leaders and Centralettes wili also perform during the 1 p.m. program. Group members include (first row, from left) Andy Polizzi ofMeridian, Bryan Whitley of Philadelphia, Lucas Quinn of Union, Lucas Pope and Joseph Bozeman , both of Neshoba Central; and
L oub\ alle. April cor~ of • eshoba
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