ECCC n·amond Warriors Begin 2003 Season 5-0
Dexter eller:-; ofBastrop. ,· . \\e~ Turner of ~e .. hoba Ccmral and Jon.t' 1 lan S1grest ot Scvlt Central. Parker and \h;uehee are the south– pa' -; in the ;roup. Ex– pected h.l St!L plenty of ac– tton m the inlidd are third baseman Mtchael Dunn of Pascagoula short stop Jacob Da' i:; ofBiloxi. tirst ba~eman Desttn Moore of Kosciusko. short stop \\'es Turner of Ne:>hoba Central and -;econd baseman short stop Brian McNetl of En– terpnse. hanng catcbtng duues '' nh Holcomb ace Jacob To '" nsend o f eshoba Cent ra l and Robby Carey of Newton County. Banlmg for start· ing positions in the out– field arc Drew Kerma of Forest, Gabe Snow and Kentay Bland . both of Loutsvi lle; David Martin of Water Va lley. Craig Martin of Lake and Van W1lson of West Lauder– dal e . Ass is ting Coac h Yarborough thts season ts Reggie Richardson. fo rme r head baseba ; 1 coach a · Scutheast Lau– derdale l ltg.l SchooJ.
mon. erona Da.:>eman Ja e Ne ter of Lake. catcher Joe) H~.· komb ot Locust Fork Htgl: Sc ool w Trafford . \ Ia.. and pttchers Akx Shepard of Seba~topol and Jarrod vaughn ot Loutsvtlle. ')arb) batted .291 WI h 20 RBis. and Nester posted a .257 a\cragc. Shc:pard had a 2.10 earned run a\erage and Vaughn comp1lcd a 4.97 FRA Other top re– turnees are tirst baseman TylerRogers ofl OUIS\ tile and outfielder Paul Brown of Fore ·t. Newcomer<; on the mound nclude J1m Talley. who posted a l 9-0 record tn leadt ng Mooreville to the State Class 2A Charnp10nsh1p; Jonathan Taylor. a transfer from Delta State Univer– s ity and nat h·e of Liv ingston. Ala.; and llunter Holley, a southpaw from Philadelphia High School. Yarborough said he ts also expecting strong perfonnances from other members of the pttchmg :.ta.-f \\ho mclude Brent McMillan of Ne'' ton, Gary Parker o: \lorton. Chn 11ddleton of \ burg. Tra H1ckmon of L u ~ le Dre\\ IcGehce Q(Wmer \ all~.
A mo:-tl~ freshman squad took the field Febru31) _ when East Cen rat Com· munit} Colle!!e be_an the 2003 ea on at Coahoma Communit~ Colleae tn Cla l .... dalc. The\\ rr1c~~ blasted Coaht"lm< 15 -1 1 he \\ arnor:. '' ent on a string of four more wins posting victories O\'er Northeast \ IS CC 4 2 and Il-l MCC 10-9. Jones Count} JC ll-4. He1d coach Jake Yarborough satd h1s team· s lack of expenence is not an indication of a lack of talent ··w e are a young team this year with 21 freshmen but I feel re– all:y confident tn thi s team's abilittes. We are httttng the ball well and the pttchers are improving at e\el) outing. We are a defensi' el) sound team and our offense should be able to prO\ tde :.upport for our pitchers. \\e abo have depth m eac:h pc Sit! on. and players are ha\in_ to com– pete for posiuons," said Yarborough. DO\\ tn hh second year in leadtngthe Diamond \\'::~&aor:t. Yarborough satd l • 'P re– turnees from last )'ear':> squad mclude infielder pitcher Justin Darby of
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