1\Iartin and Nester headline ECCC Scott Cotlnty players
l'ltl''it ·.1.11 Hio11t .tthktes from Scott County are members of the East Central Communi ty College hascball team fo1 1111 'OO I t'i llllfMI J'.'' s,·,tll'd lwttt k II .uc "l'llltlll h.hl:IIJ,IIt Jake Nester and outfielder/catcher Craig Martin, both of Lake, and centcrficldcr Paul Brown o f' h ue·..,, 'll.l•tdllll' It 11111 Il l I ·" '' p111 111 , ., c i.11 y PJtlo..c• ul Me ••ton, Jonathan Sigrcst ofScott Central and Alex Shepard of Sebastopol, and outfiekk:r Drew Kcnnu , d I 1111' .1
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