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Lake Messenger, November 5, 2003, Page 7 Wood Receives Humanities Teacher Award

DECATUR--East Central Community College in– structor Lucille Wood re– cently received the

mains today. She was also very instrumental in orga– nizing women's basketball in Mississippi and its re– turn as an NJCAA-sanc– tioned sport. In 1975, Wood was se– lected as the ftrst president oftheWomen's Basketball Coaches Association in Mississippi. She was coach of the ftrst Missis– sippi Junior College Ali– Star women's basketball team in 1978 and was se– lected the Mississippi As– sociation of Coaches "Coach of the Year" in continued next page·

served as coordinator of the once-annual May Day festivities for 18 years. She twice ser\'ed as presi– dent of the ECCC Alumni Association and is cred– ited with beginning alumni memorial awards presented each year at Awards Day. The College also began presenting alumni awards during her tenure as the Association's president. Wood has been recognized for many athletic accom– plishments including help– ing organize college tennis in Mississippi as it re-

sor of the Student Educa– tion Association and is the academic adviser for stu– dents majoring in Physical Education and Sports Medicine. From 1975 to 1985, Wood served as women's basket– ball coach at the College and from 1987 to 1997 she served as Region 23 Di– rector for Women's Ath– letics. During her tenure at East Central, Wood has also coached tennis and volley– ball, served as cheerleader sponsor, was director of women's intramurals and

LucilleWood College's 2003 Humani– ties Teacher Award, a grant sponsored by the Mississippi Humanities Council. She was honored Tuesday, October 28 in the Vickers Fine Arts Center Auditorium, during which time she presented a lec– ture, "A Past to Remem– ber-A Future to Fulfill," which is in celebration of the College's 75th anni– versary. A reception fol– lowed in the lobby. Wood is a native of the Cal vary Community in Winston_ ~-o~n~. -~~-=~ ~- J:




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