ECCC homecomi ng plans ~ A full day of activities is Hickory, Academic Instructor Buckman joined the ECCC cheduled Saturday, Oct. 4, as of the Year; and Katharine faculty in 1995. She previously ast Central Community Col- Buckman of Bay Springs, Voca- taught allied health courses at ege continues its 75th tional-Technical Instructor of the Jasper County Career nniversary observance with the Year. Also being recognized Development Center, and is a lhe annual homecoming cele- are new members of the Col- former staff nurse at Jasper bration on the Decatur cam- lege's Athletic Hall of Fame - County General Hospital and pus. the late Roy Baker (Class of Home Health in Bay Springs. • The theme of this year 's 1956 ) of Clinton, Imogene She serves as president– ~vent is "75 Years With You In Johnson Borganelli (Class of elect for the Mississippi Health Mind - Quality Educati on 1947) of Greenville, Rex Kee- Occupations Educators and Lasts Forever." ton (Class of 1965) of Tay- was named Mississippi Health t ' Homecoming activities get lorsville and Mark Killens Occupation Students of Ameri– nderway at 9 a.m with regis- (Class of 1978) of Newton. ca Post-Secondary Advisor of ration and r eunion meetings Smith is the surviving the Year in 2002. cheduled on the East Mall member of the college's first She serves as an advisor for ear Mabry Memorial Cafete- class in 1928. the ECCC HOSA organization pa. She is a longtime supporter and is a post-secondary con- b Special groups being hon- of ECCC and recently estab- sultant on the Mississipp i ed this year are the ECJC lished the J.B. and Frances HOSA Executive Board. I' omen's Club Teams from Harris Smith Scholarship, Baker, of Louiville, was a ;t956 to 1975; the Class of named also in memory of her standout track team member .. ~937; members of the 1957, husband, a 1934 ECCC gradu- at East Central Community !1.958 and 1959 classes; alumni ate. College and Mississippi Col- l>and and Centra lettes; and Dr. Matthews, a Union lege. ):nembers of all classes ending na tive, serves as a consultant At East Central, Baker won ~n ''3." with JBHM Education Group, honors at the state meet his : Dr. Phil Sutphin, school LLC, a subsidiary of JBHM freshman and sophomore l:>resident, will welcome alumni Architects, PA, which special- years. He tied for first place in ~d special guests at a ceremo- izes in designing new school the pole vault competition as a by beginning at 10 a.m. on the buildings and renovating exist- freshman, and finished runner– ~all, followed by the awarding ing schools. up in both the pole vault ana bf diplomas to the Class of He had a distinguished broad jump the following sea- tl953. caree r with the Mississippi son. • East Central's soccer team Department of Education, and Baker continued his track 'will also be in action at 10 r etired in 1996 while serving career at Mississippi C lle. e ( lt.m.. as they take on East Mis- as director of t h e Office of where he concentrated .1 nm- j~,ippi Community College in Compensatory Education. ning. camp\1.5 ma:c~ Dr. ~1atthews rece ived a He was captain of the_ - ! the Warrior

ber of the. ·anonal 'fu,k Force for Development of Coopera– tl\'e Adult Resol ut ion a nd Oversight Initia tive for the Office of Ins pector General, United States Department of Education. Dear h a s served as an instructor in the College's Associate Degree Nursing pro– gram since 1998. She also sponsors ASNEC, the ADN stu– dent nurse organization. Honor s she h a s r ece ived in clude h e r sel ection as a n International Health Profes– -:ion.fll fnr ?()()~ C::hn ............. ~1~~•


. t g.,. ,.. athletic pr· .gram , · hold their annual meeting t 10:30 a .m. in Huff Auditori– m. The annual Alumni Awards ~ uncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. n Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. This year's honorees include ranees Harris Smith (Class of 930), Alumna of the Year; Dr. t-1ilton "Buddy" Mat thews lClass of 1958) of Pearl, Alum- us of the Year; Dana Dear of

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