! ~ Jtv~(tuh~ ~~ M-(- 2c 0 ..) Kelly Cluff Kelly Cluff of Hickorv is the College's new computer ~etwork support technology mstructor. Cluff, a native of Vietnam, is co-owner of I I<..; Consulting in Meridian and ..;en·es ~ s account execubH~ for Crt'K-.-\\'afk, a Chn tian newspaper. He j.; ,1l~o a member of the Marine Corps Reserves. He is a former information technology manager for Ideal Software Systems in Meridian. He abo has expe– rience as an analy.;t pro- grammer lli for the Department ot Administration, Division of Adrnirustrative Services, for the State of Alaska. Cluff 1s a member of Central United Methodist Church in Meridian, "'here he is a Sunday school teacher. He serves as secre– tary I treasurer of the Barry Mason Barr) :\1a...on ot Union ' as recentlv selected EMT– Paramedic tn. ... tructor. \1ason ~bo serves as a paranwdk·with Emergystal, Inc, ,1nd Neshoba County Emergency Medical Servtc~::.. He previously ::.en cd a<. a radiology assis– tant at LaLkev Memorial t fo..;pltal in Fo~t:! .... t He has man:> th,m 10 ye,1r-; experi– encl.' in thl' heallh-related t1eld. Jn <1dditwn, Mason is a former <~djunct in_.;;tructor for F. CCC m the EMI -Basic pro– gram. A gratluate of '1\"lertown High S~:hool, Masnn attend– ed FCCC and holds the assoa, ll 1 art<. d~gree from 1'\orth\ L t t-.lissi!>sippi (ommumt\ College and the s t applied science paramedicine m J es County Junior ollege · He ts married to the for- ter Mellisa Woods of Phtladelpllla. They have three sons, Matthew, Cod" and I ee Harri.,on and ~ d,lUghter: \1Ngan Newton County Elcmentarv School PTO and is a member of the '\l.'\\tOn Rotaf\ Club He received an associate in arts degree in business N ------ - - -– administration from ECCC, ,1 OCRAT and hold~ an a~sociatc m sci- - ---- - ence degree in computer ORO office administration and ------ -- programming from the ~R Alaska Computer Insbtute. --------- He is married to Carla GER Jacome-Cluff and thev have ------ -- hH daughters, EmilY Jacome-Cluff and Katherine }ac IT' lutf. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_ SCOTT COUNTY TIME UNION APPEAL _ _ WINSTON COUNTY J • SPIRIT OF MORTON . IMPACT _ _ _ _
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