75 Cfears Witli\ctou In?rlind uafity P,{ucatidn Lasts P or eve .. JfO:MC£C09VLI:Nq ~ EI.'l& · Octo6er _4, 2003 .~C£.C - - __....~·.,u··- Photography ,Exh ibit

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2003 ECCC Homecoming Court Members of the 2003 Homecomin~ Court include (from left) freshman maids Courtney "Coco" Yates of Lomsville, Natalie Cole of Meridian, Amy Ealy of Forest and Lacey Brantley of Carthage; queen Renee Thompson of Pelahatchie; maid of honor Latashia Tatum of Newton.· and sophomore maids Brittany Harris of Louisville, Brandi Brown of Pelahatchie and D1an Walters of Philadelphia.

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