- WEEK OF UlArt-€.. 3-::

Local col ege goes digital, improves campus-\vide communications

...taff have acccs<; to the most powerful software available in the higher educalion industry today. ECCC turned to the leading developer of software in the higher education industry, Jen– zabar Inc. of Cambridge, Mass. Jenzabar is the only company to offer a software package that integrates and connects each end of a college campus. According to ECCC Presi– dent Phil A Sutphin, the col– lege found a great partner in Jenzabar. M~ot only did Jenzabar meet


our expectations in terms of installation costs and support, but the Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution enables stu– dents, faculty and administra– tive staff to communicate more easily and to complete assign– ments in record time because our campus is now connected electronically from end-to-end," Sutphin said. Sutphin added thatjenzabar provides ECCC with a competi– tive advantage over other schools in the local and statewide area. "We feel that by offering stu– dents and faculty the most pow– erful tools on the market we can better prepare graduates for the work force," Sutphin said.

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